It's been well over a year since that fateful day in the Laboratory back in G CORP... The day when it blew up and changed my life.
Alot has happened since then. I became a Hobo, living off of garbage bags and bugs; found my pay check and started to get my life back together... by that time Santa and S CORP had done some pretty weird things, and all the drama with the ELFtechs (COPY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT, I TELL YOU!!!) had just about passed over. None the less, I had taken it upon myself to dismantle S CORP from the inside-out... cleverly disguised as a female ElfTech (yes, I had a sex change. Be quiet.) I took off for the North Pole. Sadly, I wasn't sure where that was. After a while of wandering around I somehow became a Pirate and totally forgot what I was supposed to be doing. (( As can be seen in THIS disturbing entry in my journal. ))
Once I regained my senses, it wasn't long before I settled down into a house of my own and simply stuck to in-house experiments and researching all that I could about S CORP. (( Boy this year-summary is getting long-winded... >_>; ))
Since then I've been hiding in my house from the Aliens...
But now it seems as though most of the coast is clear, (( except for that Flarn fellow, of course. o_o; )) I belive it's time I came out of hiding... and made some changes.
No, not another sex change, but to follow in the footsteps of my former Collegue, LabTech172. All hopes of G CORP finding me, or even realizing that I have survived that last deadly explosion have diminished slowly, but surely. As soon as I can find a name befitting myself, I will be changing my name from LabTech127. Unfortunately I cannot return to my original name and identity, due to some legal documents I've signed with G CORP, and out of pure respect for them and the work I did for that company.
This will be my final entry under the title of LabTech. I'm going to miss my number... but I think it's for the best. It's sort of an awkward thing to have to introduce yourself as "127" or "LabTech127". People tend to look at you funny, you know? XD Well, anyway...
I'll be signing off now - I may make another entry later when I've changed my name. It'll cost me 10k, but hopefully it'll be worth it.
Till next time...
-- LabTech127
Alot has happened since then. I became a Hobo, living off of garbage bags and bugs; found my pay check and started to get my life back together... by that time Santa and S CORP had done some pretty weird things, and all the drama with the ELFtechs (COPY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT, I TELL YOU!!!) had just about passed over. None the less, I had taken it upon myself to dismantle S CORP from the inside-out... cleverly disguised as a female ElfTech (yes, I had a sex change. Be quiet.) I took off for the North Pole. Sadly, I wasn't sure where that was. After a while of wandering around I somehow became a Pirate and totally forgot what I was supposed to be doing. (( As can be seen in THIS disturbing entry in my journal. ))
Once I regained my senses, it wasn't long before I settled down into a house of my own and simply stuck to in-house experiments and researching all that I could about S CORP. (( Boy this year-summary is getting long-winded... >_>; ))
Since then I've been hiding in my house from the Aliens...
But now it seems as though most of the coast is clear, (( except for that Flarn fellow, of course. o_o; )) I belive it's time I came out of hiding... and made some changes.
No, not another sex change, but to follow in the footsteps of my former Collegue, LabTech172. All hopes of G CORP finding me, or even realizing that I have survived that last deadly explosion have diminished slowly, but surely. As soon as I can find a name befitting myself, I will be changing my name from LabTech127. Unfortunately I cannot return to my original name and identity, due to some legal documents I've signed with G CORP, and out of pure respect for them and the work I did for that company.
This will be my final entry under the title of LabTech. I'm going to miss my number... but I think it's for the best. It's sort of an awkward thing to have to introduce yourself as "127" or "LabTech127". People tend to look at you funny, you know? XD Well, anyway...
I'll be signing off now - I may make another entry later when I've changed my name. It'll cost me 10k, but hopefully it'll be worth it.
Till next time...
-- LabTech127
Community Member
Welp--good luck finding a name that's not too dorky! lol