Chapter 14
Welcome to the worst chapter of my life. Part three starts now.
I stood and stared at Echo like the world had turned upside down. "What do you mean?" I asked stunned. I smiled at her. This was just a joke. A really, really, really bad joke.
"Just what I said." Echo said. "You've been had. We betrayed you"
"Why?!" I screamed out. "Are you telling me you've been lying all this time? Are you telling me those years we spent together ment nothing?!" I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes.
"Pretty much." she said coldly. "Faint almost ruined everything tho. She actully fell for you. Soon she became way to much of a threat to the mission so she was silenced."
At hearing that I couldn't even feel my rage. All I felt was betrayal and lonilness. I sank to my knees. It was like my feeling when Faint died. Only a hundred times worse. All those years with the coven. Creating them. Becoming a family had all been a lie.
"There was also that traitor Rogue. He got away but we'll extinguish him soon enough." Echo said deprarting. She opened the door momentairly giving me light but then closed it leaving me in the darkness again.
Everyone had been against me. I thought they were my friends, my family but they lied. They were against me. They had plotted against me and now they succeded I'm alone and broken.
What about Darren? And Yumi? Were they working for Alabasta Corp. too? Probally.
After a awhile I had no way of telling how much time had pased when I started hearing stuff.
"P...ase....has...Phase....Phase! Come in Phase!" At first the voice didn't register.
"Phase come on!" I reconized the voice. It was Darren. I heard it close to my head. Like right next to my ear. My com link? How was that still working? I didn't know that nor did I know whose side he was on.
"Phase answer me you a*****e!" I phiscally flinched when I heard that.
"What?!" I yelled back. "Good god you don't yell into someone's ear like that ya a*****e!"
"At least you've snapped out of you're trance" Darren said sounding realived.
"Yeah" I said saddly. I still felt hollow about it. All of my family was gone. I was alone again. Just like that time ten years ago when I first found out who and what I was.
"Earth to Phase" Darren yelled. "Feel sorry later. Run now"
"Run?" I said into the com. "Run how. In case you haven'y figured it out my hands are bound, for some reason I can't Phase through it, and I'm in a dungeon"
"There should be some metal in the right corner of the dungeon. Use it to cut your bonds." he said.
I grunted and walked to the edge. Sure enough there were shards of metal strewn about. I managed to rub my arms against it and free my hands and wrist. I rubbed them and talked back to Darren.
"Okay now what?" I asked. I would've asked him how he knew that was there but I didn't press. This was my ticket out. I'd ask him later.
"Now that you can climb go through the ceiling" I gaped at nothing.
"Why can't I just walk through the walls?" I asked confused.
"Because when they captured you they drugged you at the same time." I nodded as I remembered the cloth placed over my mouth when I went down.
"Do you want to escape or not?" he asked simply. I hissed but started feeling the wall for grooves and purchases. While looking I thought why am I trusting him. For all I know this could be a trap. Then again I had nothing left to lose plus what could be worse then this place.
I found my place and started climbing up. Back when the coven was still a coven we all needed to know how to climb. I kicked off my shoes half way up and kept going. "Tell me where I'm going, Darren"
"There's a window nearby. Break through it" he said. I groaned when I saw the window. I jumped from brick to brick before I got to the window. I jumped smashing thorugh it and tumbled down about twelve feet. I groaned in pain when I landed on my back.
"Ow" I groaned painfully.
"Stop your bellyacheing and get up" Darren said. "You've still got a ways to go"
"Shut up!" I shouted at him. I got to my feet and no sooner did I get up did I hear a shout.
"We've found the captive!"
"Dammit!" I shouted turning to face them. There were ten of them each of them armed with guns. I really was outgunned here. As I watched I felt the familar sensation of a wave coming over me.
Subconciouisly I was grinning. I raised one of my hands up beckoing them forward. I dashed at them. They all raised their guns and fired. The bullets seemed to move in slow motion to me as I dodged them. I made it to the first guy and jumped driving my knee into his face.
Normally my knee would have just broke his nose but this time his entire face crumpled in. I saw the skin tear and I heard the bones break. His blood splased onto my knee but it didn't bother me. I grinned and looked to the next guy.
They all saw me and started firing again. I dodged the bullets and pulled my arm back punchinng him in the gut and I could hear the bones break. He crumpled and fell. I jumped over the next few guys landing behind one.
I gabbed both his arms and placed my leg over his back. I kicked forward and pulled back tearing off his arms.
Over the next few minutes I slaughtered every guard in the first way I thought of until there was one. By now I was covered in blood. I looked at the sky as I walked toward him. Clouds were gathering meaning rain. The guard was on his butt slowly backing away from me.
I dashed forward and picked him up by the throat. I grinned staring him in the eye. I saw fear, anger, sorrow but probally most shocking, me. I saw myself being reflected in his eyes and what I saw scared me. I dropped the guard and ran away from the battle and what I saw.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind