Chapter 11
Okay being stuck in a hospital is boring as I don't know what. It turned out I had broken some bones in my waist and left leg. Also my left arm was sprained. The fact that I was still alive was a miracle. The fact that Shade and Ray were here was a big help. Espacially Ray.
See Ray's power can be shared if he's in skin contact with someone. With X-Ray vision me and Shade had some fun, because, well there were some hot nurses.
Peeping aside I could walk around a little with a crutch but not far without help. The others visited me daily. Not everyone tho. Generly two people at a time. Yumi came the most. I felt I don't know good that she cared for me so much. It remined me a lot of Faint. No way that wasn't it. Was it?
My days passed slowly with nothing but peeping for most of the day. Visiting was only for close to an hour a day. One day I got so bored I actually started reading the report Darren had sent me. After we had escaped I had asked him to dig up some dirt on Alabasta Science. From the size of the folder there was a lot.
I undid the opening and pulled out a paper. It was labled: Dirt on your secret organization you were too lazy to find yourself. Cocky little such and such. It was a lot. The first fifthteen out of twenty pages were about it's history and what it did. I didn't ask for this! I asked for secrets! I swear he swindled me.
When page sixteen came around that's when we got to what I ordered. Turns out Alabasta Science was just a cover up. Their real thing was experimention. They were testing what could be done to artifacially alter emproys. We were just failures apparently and thrown out into the streets. We also grew fairly quickly which is why we became child theives.
If we hadn't found each other I don't know what would have happened. The next page told me why Faint and the others had been kidnapped. Apparenty they wanted us all back to use as weapons. So they asked the three they had captured to tell about the others,They refused so they were totured to reveal info about the rest of us. They didn't talk so the rest of us would be safe.
My hands clenched the paper tightly and my eyes begin to water slightly as small drops hit the paper. The bastards! I'll kill them. All of them! I was so angry my body was shaking. Somewhere in my mind I was reelling. Not just from the information but from my own anger. I had never wanted to kill someone before. I mean really end their life kill them. Well one time before. When I found Faint's body I had almost killed that guy who bad mouthed her.
It was the same rage. Deep down it scared me. I started breathing in and out slowly calming myself until I was under control. I wiped my eyes still breathing slowly. In a few seconds I was good. I heard a vibration on the table next to my bed and saw my phone moving.
I picked it up checking the caller I.D. Darren. Just the person I wanted to talk to. I flipped it open and answered. "Phase in" I said.
"Wow, that is really lame" the voice said. Annoying little a**.
"Shut up" I said.
"Looks like you haven't changed" he said.
"Neither have you"
"True that"
"So why'd you call?"
"Cause you read my report"
"How the crap?"
"I have my ways"
"Whatever. So why?"
"Cause we need to talk. About You and your anger at them"
"I have my ways"
"So I read it. And I'm pissed off!"
"Thought'd you'd be. Look I'm sorry about Faint but that's not what's important right now. What is is what are you going to do now? Now that you know what are you going to do?"
"What else? I'm gonna take them down"
"And how the you expect to do that?"
"I don't know but I'll figure it out"
"Good god you're simple. Well looks like you'll need my help in this one. I'm still charging you for my services"
"Oh yeah before I forget, I got the results from your blood sample"
"When did you take my blood?!"
"When you were out and I deliverd the report"
"Anyway the results are weird. Turns out when you get really mad -I mean rage angry- your cells hyper energize and make you stronger, faster, everything get's a boost. Problem is everytime it happens 1.) you can't stop it once it starts. Someone or something has to snap you out of it, 2.) you'll be hard pressed to stop from telling friends and foes apart if you're bloodlust get's too high and 3.) soon it'll change you completly. You won't turn back. You'll be stuck like that forever."
"....Thanks for the info"
"Don't worry. When you change for good you'll have decent control over yourself. Just be careful about your emotions. That and tell me before you do anything really crazy. I'll need my equipment back"
"Yeah will do" I said sourly closing the phone. I took a deep breath slumping into my bed suddenly tired. Too much info for one day. I let my eyes drift close and drift to sleep.
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Love is an emotion. Like pain it can be tamed. It can be broken. And can be left behind