Terra no Solis
Country - Solis

Name: Yukari, Herai
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Province: Found in Mamoru
Birth: Taurus, 20th Day, Year of the Dog.
Personality: Herai is a little reserved for girls her age, and would rather sit back and read a book than actually engage in games or in a class. She has a slightly different view on Life than the rest of the children in the Academy, stemming from the various Fantasy Novels she prefers to read. It takes some time to get past her more Professional front and gain her trust, but once she considers you as 'One of her Own' she is loyal, companionable, and dependable. She can be a little clingy at times, as if she is afraid to loose you, and might get to be a bit possessive. Even so, because of those faults she would fight to protect you and your Honor.
Biography: Herai was picked up when she was around six years old, wandering around in the streets. Lost and confused, bruised and battered, she refused to say anything on what happened to her. Well... Actually, it was impossible for her. Somehow, in whatever had happened to the girl, she had gotten a concussion in the back of her head, causing her Amnesia. The Doctors believed that it would clear up over time, or that some relative would come pick her up. No one did, though, in the next few months, and they couldn't keep her forever. So she was sent away to the Academy, where she would receive food, lodging, and Training. There she could become a productive member of Society. No one dreamed that the Academy was something other than that.

Name: Susumu, Shana
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Province: Mamoru
Birth: Aries, 15th Day, Year of the Boar
Personality: Shana is a very defensive girl, and takes insults seriously. If you insult her or one of her friends she get extremely vicious and violent, prone to pound the offender into a bloody pulp. With this she also fiercely competitive, and gladly takes up any challenge. She hates to show pain or sadness, seeing those things as weaknesses, and would rather suffer on her own than burden her companions. She does care for her friends, even if she doesn't show it, and takes up the role of Leader and Defender, since she is the oldest of her group. Shana would be wrought with guilt if anything happened to them, if there had been anything she could do to stop it.
Biography: Shana's life had been fairly normal. She'd lived in a Middle Class family, in an apartment with her Mother and Father, an only child, and Life was happy... For a time. Even while her own family was Middle Class, her Uncle on her Father's side was an Upper Class man. A Captain in the Military, and of good stock as well. It came as a surprise to them to learn that her Uncle had betrayed his General and, in extension, the Emperor. Her Uncle was cast out of Society in Dishonor, her Mother left her Father, and her Father became a Drunk. Shana was taken from him and put into the Academy when the Government learned that he would beat her when he was drunk, and cast him away as well.

Name: Chou, Violet
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Province: Konsetsu
Birth: Libra, 3rd Day, Year of the Dog
Personality: Perhaps the most timid girl, Violet is the least accustomed to Life at the Academy. She is fairly passive, and prefers chatting happily or dreaming of her perfect Reality than engaging in Class or fighting. She is easily frightened, and tends to go off into a long-winded rant on whatever comes to mind when she gets nervous. Which is often. When she is calm and happy, though, she is energetic and playful, full of wonderful ideas and fantasies. She trusts easily, and is fairly gullible, which makes her an easy mark for pranks, which she is, thankfully, protected from.
Biography: Violet lived in an Upper-Middle Class family, and had a wonderfully comfortable life. Her Daddy was a kind man, and a wonderful Carpenter. Her Mommy had been in the Military, but retired from that and became an Artist when she met her Daddy. And her Big Brother Damien was the best! She loved and admired her Brother, and was always trying to emulate him. In her mind they were a Royal family, and she was the kind little Princess who would help everyone while her Brother was the brave Prince who slayed Dragons for fun. It was a disaster, then, when her Brother received a letter from the Academy, asking him to attend. They had no choice but to let him go. Devastated, and worried for him, Violet begged to go with him. Regretfully her parents let her follow him a couple years after. At least she still got to see them on the Holidays...

Name: Hayase, Akira
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Province: Jiman
Birth: Cancer, 7th Day, Year of the Rooster
Personality: Akira is the most hyper-active person you could ever imagine. She's always running around, bouncing off the walls, chattering happily to no one in particular, and picking fights with anyone she can irritate. She enjoys annoying people to a fault, and often gets in trouble for it. If someone challenges her she can get rather pouty and moody, shouting back nonsensical insults and counter-arguments. You just can't reason with the girl. If there's something she doesn't like or can't accept then it flies right over her head. She refuses to acknowledge that it exists. She is full of pride and egotistical, loving to brag and polishing her appearance.
Biography: Akira had lived a very privileged life, being one of the few Upper Class. Her Father was a Merchant, a Trader who often had to leave home and go out on business trips. She didn't mind, nor did she care. She had her Mother around, and she was all she needed. Well, she also kinda needed the Maids to keep tidy and clean up after her, but they were just back-ground noise. One time, when her Father was home and then left again, her Mother discovered that she was Pregnant. Akira was over joyed, of course. She was going to be an Older Sister! But... There were some complications. Mother didn't come home from the Hospital, and neither did her Brother. She was going to have a Younger Brother... Akira fell into depression. Her Father didn't want her, and figured the easiest way to solve the problem was to send her to the Academy.

Name: Haruno, Ryuu
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Province: Mamoru
Birth: Virgo, 25th Day, Year of the Dog
Personality: Ryuu is a simple guy who doesn't need much to be happy. He is an earnest, hard-working young lad, and likes to keep things honest and fair. Sometimes the World likes to work against him and all of his efforts burst into flames at his feet. When this happens he tends to go into a slight depression, closing in on himself from the World, and it takes a little coaxing to get him back to work. He needs a little sympathy and reassurance, but always remains a fair, loyal friend. He would give his Life if it meant helping a friend, and often ends up sacrificing the things he wants for the benefit of others, and gets taken advantage of.

Name: Kohaku, Kaito
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Province: Jiman
Birth: Scorpio, 4th Day, Year of the Rat
Personality: Kaito is a little more than stand-offish. He often comes off as cold to the people around him, and rarely opens up, even to people who claim to be close to him. Something of an enigma, Kaito is always thinking, always plotting. He cares little for the opinions of others and works for his own advancement, going as far as rigging challenges and knocking people out of their position. There is only room for one person in his mind, and that one has to constantly pull Kaito back, either to keep him from going too far or to keep him from hurting himself. Still, that is the one person Kaito will listen to, and he's even willing to open up his ambitions enough to let that person become something of a First-Mate... As long as that person manages to tow the line.
Biography: Kaito grew in a strict Military family, born as the Third Son. Since retiring from the Military his Father worked his way into the Business World, governing the corporation with the same iron hand he used in command of the Battle Field and in raising his family. Being the youngest son, Kaito had to live up to and surpass his Brothers' accomplishments. He was maintained in the belief that if he didn't he would be bringing Shame and Dishonor upon the family, and his Brothers were constantly looking down their noses at him. Pressured and ambitious, Kaito applied for the Academy himself. His Father had gone there to receive the Training necessary to rise in the Ranks of the Military. He would preform better than his Father had ever dreamed... He would go places he thought impossible...

Name: Chou, Damien
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Province: Konsetsu
Birth: Gemini, 13th Day, Year of the Rooster
Personality: Damien can be a little troublesome, especially where the Teachers are concerned. He disdains the Authorities, and takes every opportunity to make things hard for them. From a snow of flour in the Kitchen with blood made of ketchup, to pulling complicated and long thought-out pranks on the Principal and other key figures. He has an uncanny knack for keeping himself out of trouble, though, and manages to keep his small vengeful streak hidden. Still, he does love to learn, and has an avid curiosity for things that he doesn't understand. Open-Minded and a bit of a Vigilante, Damien can sometimes bite off more than he can chew, and learn things he was better off not knowing.
Biography: Damien had lived a nice Life in this little valley with his Mom: the Artist, his Dad: the Carpenter, and his Little Sister Violet: the Little Princess. He, according to Violet, was the brave Prince who slew all the Dragons, safe-guarding the Valley for the King and Queen, their Parents. What a nice little fantasy, huh? Well, Damien wanted to be the best doting older brother he could be, and became 'The Prince' for his Little Sister. Life was happy and simple, for a time... Until he got that letter. His Mom couldn't tell him why he had gotten the letter or what the Academy was for. She just shook her head sadly and said that he had to go. There was no choice. And, heck, it certainly wasn't a place for the soft-hearted. It was absolutely idiotic of his Sister to get caught up in this mess. You can't leave the Academy... Not permanently.

Name: Daron, Dakota
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Province: Koji
Birth: Sagittarius, 28th Day, Year of the Rat
Personality: Dakota is a bright-minded individual and is always attentive, observant of everything around him. He likes knowing what is going on and hates being wrong. He also has a strong sense of Justice and Moral Value which keeps him grounded, even if he tries to raise his sights too high. He knows better than to take advantage of a person, and doesn't get angry often. He is often exasperated, though, since he is constantly having to catch his companions and nail them to the ground. Their antics often get them into trouble and it is always Dakota's job to coax them out of hiding, or get them to face the consequences of whatever they've done wrong. Yeah, it's a big job, but who else is there to do it? There's no time to doubt himself.
Biography:Dakota grew up with his mother and two sisters, one older, one younger. His father left when he was born, serving the government and never returning. His older sister ignored him, something of a rebel against their family, always pulling at the bonds and trying to escape. His younger sister would often try to play with him when she was little, but when she grew up some, she simply clung to their mother. So it was left to him to be the one who watched his older sister sneak out every night. It was up to him to see his sister come home with bruises and cuts, but refusing to speak. It was him to went to see what had happened when she didn't come back...The police found her, not breathing, face down in an abandoned alley near the border of Luna. No one knew what happened. He had been only ten years old. His mother hadn't taken the information well and left him to take care of his younger sister, even as she wailed for their mother, who worked long hours. When he received his letter, he knew it was his chance to help the government, to help his country. He knew Luna had something to do with his sister dying and was determined to find out what exactly happened. So he left his sister and mother and went to the Academy to be trained and taught. Little did he know he would find himself taking care of a team of trouble making rebels...Not that can bring himself to regret it. But he still wishes they would stop talking about the government being corrupt. It's a lie...It has to be.
Country - Solis

Name: Yukari, Herai
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Province: Found in Mamoru
Birth: Taurus, 20th Day, Year of the Dog.
Personality: Herai is a little reserved for girls her age, and would rather sit back and read a book than actually engage in games or in a class. She has a slightly different view on Life than the rest of the children in the Academy, stemming from the various Fantasy Novels she prefers to read. It takes some time to get past her more Professional front and gain her trust, but once she considers you as 'One of her Own' she is loyal, companionable, and dependable. She can be a little clingy at times, as if she is afraid to loose you, and might get to be a bit possessive. Even so, because of those faults she would fight to protect you and your Honor.
Biography: Herai was picked up when she was around six years old, wandering around in the streets. Lost and confused, bruised and battered, she refused to say anything on what happened to her. Well... Actually, it was impossible for her. Somehow, in whatever had happened to the girl, she had gotten a concussion in the back of her head, causing her Amnesia. The Doctors believed that it would clear up over time, or that some relative would come pick her up. No one did, though, in the next few months, and they couldn't keep her forever. So she was sent away to the Academy, where she would receive food, lodging, and Training. There she could become a productive member of Society. No one dreamed that the Academy was something other than that.

Name: Susumu, Shana
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Province: Mamoru
Birth: Aries, 15th Day, Year of the Boar
Personality: Shana is a very defensive girl, and takes insults seriously. If you insult her or one of her friends she get extremely vicious and violent, prone to pound the offender into a bloody pulp. With this she also fiercely competitive, and gladly takes up any challenge. She hates to show pain or sadness, seeing those things as weaknesses, and would rather suffer on her own than burden her companions. She does care for her friends, even if she doesn't show it, and takes up the role of Leader and Defender, since she is the oldest of her group. Shana would be wrought with guilt if anything happened to them, if there had been anything she could do to stop it.
Biography: Shana's life had been fairly normal. She'd lived in a Middle Class family, in an apartment with her Mother and Father, an only child, and Life was happy... For a time. Even while her own family was Middle Class, her Uncle on her Father's side was an Upper Class man. A Captain in the Military, and of good stock as well. It came as a surprise to them to learn that her Uncle had betrayed his General and, in extension, the Emperor. Her Uncle was cast out of Society in Dishonor, her Mother left her Father, and her Father became a Drunk. Shana was taken from him and put into the Academy when the Government learned that he would beat her when he was drunk, and cast him away as well.

Name: Chou, Violet
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Province: Konsetsu
Birth: Libra, 3rd Day, Year of the Dog
Personality: Perhaps the most timid girl, Violet is the least accustomed to Life at the Academy. She is fairly passive, and prefers chatting happily or dreaming of her perfect Reality than engaging in Class or fighting. She is easily frightened, and tends to go off into a long-winded rant on whatever comes to mind when she gets nervous. Which is often. When she is calm and happy, though, she is energetic and playful, full of wonderful ideas and fantasies. She trusts easily, and is fairly gullible, which makes her an easy mark for pranks, which she is, thankfully, protected from.
Biography: Violet lived in an Upper-Middle Class family, and had a wonderfully comfortable life. Her Daddy was a kind man, and a wonderful Carpenter. Her Mommy had been in the Military, but retired from that and became an Artist when she met her Daddy. And her Big Brother Damien was the best! She loved and admired her Brother, and was always trying to emulate him. In her mind they were a Royal family, and she was the kind little Princess who would help everyone while her Brother was the brave Prince who slayed Dragons for fun. It was a disaster, then, when her Brother received a letter from the Academy, asking him to attend. They had no choice but to let him go. Devastated, and worried for him, Violet begged to go with him. Regretfully her parents let her follow him a couple years after. At least she still got to see them on the Holidays...

Name: Hayase, Akira
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Province: Jiman
Birth: Cancer, 7th Day, Year of the Rooster
Personality: Akira is the most hyper-active person you could ever imagine. She's always running around, bouncing off the walls, chattering happily to no one in particular, and picking fights with anyone she can irritate. She enjoys annoying people to a fault, and often gets in trouble for it. If someone challenges her she can get rather pouty and moody, shouting back nonsensical insults and counter-arguments. You just can't reason with the girl. If there's something she doesn't like or can't accept then it flies right over her head. She refuses to acknowledge that it exists. She is full of pride and egotistical, loving to brag and polishing her appearance.
Biography: Akira had lived a very privileged life, being one of the few Upper Class. Her Father was a Merchant, a Trader who often had to leave home and go out on business trips. She didn't mind, nor did she care. She had her Mother around, and she was all she needed. Well, she also kinda needed the Maids to keep tidy and clean up after her, but they were just back-ground noise. One time, when her Father was home and then left again, her Mother discovered that she was Pregnant. Akira was over joyed, of course. She was going to be an Older Sister! But... There were some complications. Mother didn't come home from the Hospital, and neither did her Brother. She was going to have a Younger Brother... Akira fell into depression. Her Father didn't want her, and figured the easiest way to solve the problem was to send her to the Academy.

Name: Haruno, Ryuu
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Province: Mamoru
Birth: Virgo, 25th Day, Year of the Dog
Personality: Ryuu is a simple guy who doesn't need much to be happy. He is an earnest, hard-working young lad, and likes to keep things honest and fair. Sometimes the World likes to work against him and all of his efforts burst into flames at his feet. When this happens he tends to go into a slight depression, closing in on himself from the World, and it takes a little coaxing to get him back to work. He needs a little sympathy and reassurance, but always remains a fair, loyal friend. He would give his Life if it meant helping a friend, and often ends up sacrificing the things he wants for the benefit of others, and gets taken advantage of.

Name: Kohaku, Kaito
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Province: Jiman
Birth: Scorpio, 4th Day, Year of the Rat
Personality: Kaito is a little more than stand-offish. He often comes off as cold to the people around him, and rarely opens up, even to people who claim to be close to him. Something of an enigma, Kaito is always thinking, always plotting. He cares little for the opinions of others and works for his own advancement, going as far as rigging challenges and knocking people out of their position. There is only room for one person in his mind, and that one has to constantly pull Kaito back, either to keep him from going too far or to keep him from hurting himself. Still, that is the one person Kaito will listen to, and he's even willing to open up his ambitions enough to let that person become something of a First-Mate... As long as that person manages to tow the line.
Biography: Kaito grew in a strict Military family, born as the Third Son. Since retiring from the Military his Father worked his way into the Business World, governing the corporation with the same iron hand he used in command of the Battle Field and in raising his family. Being the youngest son, Kaito had to live up to and surpass his Brothers' accomplishments. He was maintained in the belief that if he didn't he would be bringing Shame and Dishonor upon the family, and his Brothers were constantly looking down their noses at him. Pressured and ambitious, Kaito applied for the Academy himself. His Father had gone there to receive the Training necessary to rise in the Ranks of the Military. He would preform better than his Father had ever dreamed... He would go places he thought impossible...

Name: Chou, Damien
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Province: Konsetsu
Birth: Gemini, 13th Day, Year of the Rooster
Personality: Damien can be a little troublesome, especially where the Teachers are concerned. He disdains the Authorities, and takes every opportunity to make things hard for them. From a snow of flour in the Kitchen with blood made of ketchup, to pulling complicated and long thought-out pranks on the Principal and other key figures. He has an uncanny knack for keeping himself out of trouble, though, and manages to keep his small vengeful streak hidden. Still, he does love to learn, and has an avid curiosity for things that he doesn't understand. Open-Minded and a bit of a Vigilante, Damien can sometimes bite off more than he can chew, and learn things he was better off not knowing.
Biography: Damien had lived a nice Life in this little valley with his Mom: the Artist, his Dad: the Carpenter, and his Little Sister Violet: the Little Princess. He, according to Violet, was the brave Prince who slew all the Dragons, safe-guarding the Valley for the King and Queen, their Parents. What a nice little fantasy, huh? Well, Damien wanted to be the best doting older brother he could be, and became 'The Prince' for his Little Sister. Life was happy and simple, for a time... Until he got that letter. His Mom couldn't tell him why he had gotten the letter or what the Academy was for. She just shook her head sadly and said that he had to go. There was no choice. And, heck, it certainly wasn't a place for the soft-hearted. It was absolutely idiotic of his Sister to get caught up in this mess. You can't leave the Academy... Not permanently.

Name: Daron, Dakota
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Province: Koji
Birth: Sagittarius, 28th Day, Year of the Rat
Personality: Dakota is a bright-minded individual and is always attentive, observant of everything around him. He likes knowing what is going on and hates being wrong. He also has a strong sense of Justice and Moral Value which keeps him grounded, even if he tries to raise his sights too high. He knows better than to take advantage of a person, and doesn't get angry often. He is often exasperated, though, since he is constantly having to catch his companions and nail them to the ground. Their antics often get them into trouble and it is always Dakota's job to coax them out of hiding, or get them to face the consequences of whatever they've done wrong. Yeah, it's a big job, but who else is there to do it? There's no time to doubt himself.
Biography:Dakota grew up with his mother and two sisters, one older, one younger. His father left when he was born, serving the government and never returning. His older sister ignored him, something of a rebel against their family, always pulling at the bonds and trying to escape. His younger sister would often try to play with him when she was little, but when she grew up some, she simply clung to their mother. So it was left to him to be the one who watched his older sister sneak out every night. It was up to him to see his sister come home with bruises and cuts, but refusing to speak. It was him to went to see what had happened when she didn't come back...The police found her, not breathing, face down in an abandoned alley near the border of Luna. No one knew what happened. He had been only ten years old. His mother hadn't taken the information well and left him to take care of his younger sister, even as she wailed for their mother, who worked long hours. When he received his letter, he knew it was his chance to help the government, to help his country. He knew Luna had something to do with his sister dying and was determined to find out what exactly happened. So he left his sister and mother and went to the Academy to be trained and taught. Little did he know he would find himself taking care of a team of trouble making rebels...Not that can bring himself to regret it. But he still wishes they would stop talking about the government being corrupt. It's a lie...It has to be.