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The Assassin's Gate Well, I'm writing a rather complicated and in depth story, and need someplace to store and share it while I travel from computer to computer. Who knows? Maybe I'll get Published for this.

Community Member
Terra no Solis: Plot
Terra no Solis

(Check earlier Entries for the Background Info and Character Profiles.)

The prestigious Academy... School for the Talented, the Gifted, so they say. But what, specifically, do they teach there? Not the Arts of Buissness, nor the Arts of Finance, but the Arts of War.
These Students are Warriors in Training.
From a young age these Students are isolated in the Academy, Training with their Companions, the people assigned to compliment them and to become their Team-Mates. Four to a Team seems to be most efficiant at this stage. They are bombarded by History Lessons as well, since if you refuse to learn from your Past you are doomed to repeat it. It is the belief of every Student and Teacher that what they will do as Militus will be for the good of the Empire, their People, and the Emperor.
They are carved into the perfect Soldiers.
And yet... There is doubt.
Somewhere there is a question. How, where, why it sprung up is a mystery. Somehow someone poisoned the minds of a group of youths, inspiring them to ask questions that no one else thought to ask. They question the way the school, the way the government, even, is run. How dare they?
Where did they get the gall...?
Was it that young Susumu girl? Her Uncle dared to defy the Empire and was Cast Away for it. Maybe he somehow got into contact with her, to spread his poison to infect the Academy? Or was it the Chou boy? The one who always seemed to have knack for mischif? It is possible he could have learned something no Student should dare hear. But he was easily enough solved, given his little Sister's weakness. The ones they might find hard to capture would be the Hayase girl and the Kohaku boy, wild as they are...
But they have their Roots too.
We will catch them.
They will be purged of their Poison... Or they will be Silenced.

The People's Menality

Honor and Family are first and foremost in the minds of my People. The People of Terra no Solis have great Pride, and they will fight if they feel as if you’ve insulted them, a friend, or a family member. There also comes a Sense of Shame from that Honor, as any crime committed acts like a stain on it. People who have Dishonored themselves or their Houses are seen as Trash and are shut away from Society.
The Trash are Cast Aways.
As Terra no Solis is a Militant Empire, the Way of the Warrior and their traits have been passed down to the current Generation. Honesty and Bravery are treasured traits, and are seen as the marks of Noblemen. Sloth and falling into Depression are spited, seen as giving up. A Physically Fit body and an Intelligent mind are prized in Society, and in Mates.
Loyalty to one's Emperor marks and seperates men from Trash.

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