Rusted Chains
Light filtered in between the curtains, dappling a stretch of the hard-wood floor. The rest of the apartment was relatively dark; a place of refuge in the day-light hours. The apartment was a fair size, in an ordinary section of town. Quite unremarkable, really, if one didn’t notice the chains hanging from the ceiling, or the curious, sleek black boxes that were lined up along a shelf in the corner. There was a small TV by the bathroom door, and there was a rarely used laptop resting on a simple work-desk. Sasori lounged on the Queen-Sized bed that was nestled into a corner of the room, carving a figure from a block of wood.
The loud, insistent knocking on his door did not surprise Sasori in the slightest, though he wished his visitor could be just a little more refined. “Come in, Deidara.”
“You actually did it, yeah?! Ha!” The excitable blond exclaimed, bursting through the door. He strode over to the bed and flopped down on it, nearly making Sasori gash his figure’s side. “I can’t believe you actually let me choose the Pawn! Ah, but that brat had it commin’ to him, yeah.” Deidara chuckled with glee. He just couldn’t help himself! He was finally rid of that dolt of a fan-boy Tobi for good!
“Close the door, idiot.” Sasori said, not even bothering to look up.
Deidara huffed, but didn’t bother arguing. Sasori always won those kinds of useless fights anyways, so why bother? Deidara quickly jumped up to shut the door before plopping himself down beside the stoic red-head. “So, did he take the bait?”
“Of course he did,” Sasori assured him. “That boy simply can’t resist when Lord Madara is involved.” Wood shavings fell to his stomach as the wooden figure steadily began to take shape.
“Man, must be really frustrating for ya, yeah.” Deidara sighed, “Couldn’t imagine havin’ to see my Chosen so obsessed with another Immortal. Don’t know how ya stand it, hm.”
“Patience.” Sasori ran his thumb along the edge of his carving knife, slitting the pad. “An infinite amount of patience…” The little cut healed as soon as Sasori licked the drop of blood away, not even leaving a scar. “Something you obviously don’t have.”
Deidara scowled crossly at him, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, but you’ve been here for four Centuries now! I’ve only got one and a half of one under my belt, hm! …Besides, I thought you hated waiting, yeah.” Deidara’s scowl turned into a cocky smirk at this, clearly thinking of all the times he had been chewed out and smacked down for making his Danna wait.
“That might have something to do with it…” Ah, it was so easy to distract Deidara sometimes, even when he was throwing one of his little tantrums. …Though, strangely enough, the boy had a point. “But you are right. This waiting has been torture.” He didn’t mind watching his Chosen destroy his kind over the years, but it was intensely frustrating to simply watch his Chosen from afar, especially when the one Immortal that was for-most on his mind was that person. Sasori’s hand brushed absently along his neck, remembering…
Deidara frowned, watching that pensive look cross his Danna’s face expression again, knowing he was just about ready to trail off into another one of his mental lapses. If Sasori-Danna concentrated on a trail of thought alone long enough he’d simply freeze up, maybe for hours on end, and almost nothing Deidara did could snap him out of it. Better break… Whatever it was off before Sasori-Danna seized up. “So how are ya supposed to get him Turned, hm? Much less Claimed! Your Chosen’s a ******** Hunter, yeah! He’d sooner kill ya than look at ya.”
“Steady, Deidara. I’ve got a plan or two…” Ah, he was awake again. Sasori’s hand returned to his steady carving, chipping in some minute details. “Besides, I know this Hunter, and his habits. He’s cold and analytical, but curious, and he has been searching for leads on the Lord’s location for years now. There’s now way that he will pass up this opportunity… And it isn’t like he will rely on that oaf of an interfering partner.”
Deidara just gave him a blank look. “So… How exactly are ya gonna lead him on, hm?”
Sasori raised a brow at him, his fingertips glowing where they gripped the knife. “Oh, just the usual set-up. Nothing too flashy.”
“Aw, but I like flashy, yeah.”
Light filtered in between the curtains, dappling a stretch of the hard-wood floor. The rest of the apartment was relatively dark; a place of refuge in the day-light hours. The apartment was a fair size, in an ordinary section of town. Quite unremarkable, really, if one didn’t notice the chains hanging from the ceiling, or the curious, sleek black boxes that were lined up along a shelf in the corner. There was a small TV by the bathroom door, and there was a rarely used laptop resting on a simple work-desk. Sasori lounged on the Queen-Sized bed that was nestled into a corner of the room, carving a figure from a block of wood.
The loud, insistent knocking on his door did not surprise Sasori in the slightest, though he wished his visitor could be just a little more refined. “Come in, Deidara.”
“You actually did it, yeah?! Ha!” The excitable blond exclaimed, bursting through the door. He strode over to the bed and flopped down on it, nearly making Sasori gash his figure’s side. “I can’t believe you actually let me choose the Pawn! Ah, but that brat had it commin’ to him, yeah.” Deidara chuckled with glee. He just couldn’t help himself! He was finally rid of that dolt of a fan-boy Tobi for good!
“Close the door, idiot.” Sasori said, not even bothering to look up.
Deidara huffed, but didn’t bother arguing. Sasori always won those kinds of useless fights anyways, so why bother? Deidara quickly jumped up to shut the door before plopping himself down beside the stoic red-head. “So, did he take the bait?”
“Of course he did,” Sasori assured him. “That boy simply can’t resist when Lord Madara is involved.” Wood shavings fell to his stomach as the wooden figure steadily began to take shape.
“Man, must be really frustrating for ya, yeah.” Deidara sighed, “Couldn’t imagine havin’ to see my Chosen so obsessed with another Immortal. Don’t know how ya stand it, hm.”
“Patience.” Sasori ran his thumb along the edge of his carving knife, slitting the pad. “An infinite amount of patience…” The little cut healed as soon as Sasori licked the drop of blood away, not even leaving a scar. “Something you obviously don’t have.”
Deidara scowled crossly at him, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, but you’ve been here for four Centuries now! I’ve only got one and a half of one under my belt, hm! …Besides, I thought you hated waiting, yeah.” Deidara’s scowl turned into a cocky smirk at this, clearly thinking of all the times he had been chewed out and smacked down for making his Danna wait.
“That might have something to do with it…” Ah, it was so easy to distract Deidara sometimes, even when he was throwing one of his little tantrums. …Though, strangely enough, the boy had a point. “But you are right. This waiting has been torture.” He didn’t mind watching his Chosen destroy his kind over the years, but it was intensely frustrating to simply watch his Chosen from afar, especially when the one Immortal that was for-most on his mind was that person. Sasori’s hand brushed absently along his neck, remembering…
Deidara frowned, watching that pensive look cross his Danna’s face expression again, knowing he was just about ready to trail off into another one of his mental lapses. If Sasori-Danna concentrated on a trail of thought alone long enough he’d simply freeze up, maybe for hours on end, and almost nothing Deidara did could snap him out of it. Better break… Whatever it was off before Sasori-Danna seized up. “So how are ya supposed to get him Turned, hm? Much less Claimed! Your Chosen’s a ******** Hunter, yeah! He’d sooner kill ya than look at ya.”
“Steady, Deidara. I’ve got a plan or two…” Ah, he was awake again. Sasori’s hand returned to his steady carving, chipping in some minute details. “Besides, I know this Hunter, and his habits. He’s cold and analytical, but curious, and he has been searching for leads on the Lord’s location for years now. There’s now way that he will pass up this opportunity… And it isn’t like he will rely on that oaf of an interfering partner.”
Deidara just gave him a blank look. “So… How exactly are ya gonna lead him on, hm?”
Sasori raised a brow at him, his fingertips glowing where they gripped the knife. “Oh, just the usual set-up. Nothing too flashy.”
“Aw, but I like flashy, yeah.”