well just to let u kno im doing stupid dancing on the last two days of school. its supposed to be fun but what is fun about being told to dance when u hate it? well we're supposedly meant to be learning to dance indian, latin, ballet, funk,flamenco and highland style. IN A DAY! oh and did mention that we have to make up a dance ourselves in groups? no i guess i didnt say that actually. well im not happy about this but seeing as it is the last two days of school, ill mite as well try it out. stressed
oh and guess wat? my school books for next year ( the text books) is worth around $400(aus dollars)! and thats not including the accerories. man wat is the world coming to?! scream gonk
sassy_starry · Sun Dec 04, 2005 @ 01:29am · 0 Comments |