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The Assassin's Gate Well, I'm writing a rather complicated and in depth story, and need someplace to store and share it while I travel from computer to computer. Who knows? Maybe I'll get Published for this.

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My Element? Air
Hey there, Air. How are you doing? In your default form you are by far the gentlest of the elements, the most altruistic of the elements, the easiest to be around. People who are close to you relish that closeness as if you were the oxygen they breathe. Though when you are such an honest and true individual sometimes it is easy for others to move through life as if you are invisible to them, pushing you around and hurting you in ways they would never imagine doing to say, water or fire. Little do they know that air can be pushed too far and all it takes is a few powerful gusts from this angry element to get a point across, though not without a rush of guilt and second thoughts to follow. Your place in the world: The genuine soul and emotional helper to those in need (A breathe of fresh air).


Fear - Worry
You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them. You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage. Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic.


Very Old Soul
When the winds of change blow, you sense the outcome ahead of others, having seen so much before. Surprises come in smaller forms to you, as in the unexpected experiences of the senses, deepening your appreciation of the physical. You want life to last so you can explore your mature understanding of existence. You have become patient with the younger souls, understanding their paths and of the challenges they face. You forgive much, often acting as mentor without pushing your beliefs upon others. You give without great expectations of receiving. Love has become the most valued concept in your universe - this life may be your quest to perfect your ability to express and receive perfect love. Thoughts of dying do not fill you with dread, as you understand death is a part of life, and life is a process of becoming... so death is a graduation, not an end. At rest, you feel at one with the universe and are grateful for your current home, Earth. You have a heartfelt affinity for history - the connections to various periods throughout time are undeniable. Very old souls are adept at recognizing other old souls... mutual respect forms naturally between them.


My Mask
Your mask is innocence. You are innocent but not easily impressionable. You always give people the benefit of the doubt, and are nice to everyone you meet. You never really judge anyone, but you sometimes may judge yourself. Everyone who meets you usually adores you, even if you don't really know it. You always think you may be messing up or doing something wrong, but you're usually not. You don't have a problem restricting yourself from things you think you shouldn't do, although sometimes you're a bit curious. Sometimes people try to take advantage of you, but you don't always notice. Over all you're untainted, friendly, and everyone loves you.


The Perfect Someone
You're a real charmer but you don't get swept along by the first person who shows an interest in you. You need time to be sure of your feelings and you don't get involved lightly. But when you wake up one day telling yourself you want and love a certain person, your life takes on a whole different meaning. You cover them with kisses and can come across as a bit possessive. No-one touches the one you love! As for your loyalty, it's exemplary. Out of all the people you have encountered throughout your life, you will want to be loved-up in the arms of a one of these kinds of people...and stay there. You two form a wonderful alliance together. From the moment your two meet, a calm climate, full of love and serenity, will be born. You will feel good in their company, you have more things in common than differences. Like you, they love children and family. Alongside them, you will feel like you're in a cocoon, without ever becoming bored. And you have one thing on your mind: building a happy, comfortable and solid nest with them!

“Just your presence is a blessing to those around you, your positive attitude is implacable and radiates change for the better in everything you do and to those around you but everything in its time thus although you may not immediately be aware of your gift everything you do, have done and are about to do is destined to enrich you in a multitude of ways. You have been put on this earth to make a difference use your gift wisely.”

You believe in having freedom and independence. You fight for what is right, even if the odds are against you. You are strong and fearless, but yet can be caring, compassionate, and romantic. Also you don't take crap from anyone. You work well alone, but you are a great addition to the team.

You think deeply about things going on in the present, past, and sometimes even future. You often drift off during work or class and start thinking about other things. You always hide what your thoughts form your friends and it often takes a poke or a snap of the fingers to bring you back to reality. Your eyes often portray a different personality than you are. Your eyes are a different part of your soul.

The Third-Eye Chakra represents your ability to visualise, and your insight. You rely very much on your intuition and gut feelings, and you may find yourself fantisizing or day-dreaming regularly. You value the opinions of those around you, but you'll always have the last word. Be careful of slipping into a world of fantasy, or becoming confused easily.

You constantly analyze the deeper meaning of all that occurs in your life. You are on a never-ending journey to find your purpose in life. You are able to see through the surface of situations and the facades that people often carry. You are observant and non-judgmental. Your creative and thoughtful mind enhances your chosen and natural talents. You feel deeply and passionately about everything that you do. Your life is about the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and answers. You have a great depth to your heart and mind that some may find intimidating and others will be drawn to.

You're very nice, and everyone thinks you're an example of a true gentleman or lady. But because you are way too nice, your friends think something's up, and you're trying to cover it. It wouldn't hurt to be a little wacky now and then, just to relieve the tension.

Blue is a colour of calmness. You have a very tranquil personality. You are levelheaded; if you ever observe a dispute, you are usually the solution giver. Your friends love you because you're non-biased, you try to help everyone whilst keeping situations under control.

Zack's Element: Spirit

Congratulations, friend! You are Aether, you rarest and most mystical of all the elements. Metaphysical, otherworldly, supernatural, whichever way you slice it, you are one special soul. Whereas other people have experienced the odd circumstance or random weird event, your life is defined by them. You rely heavily on an intuition that has hardly ever let you down. Sometimes your thoughts and dreams could be considered downright psychic. Having such a unique set of gifts comes at a price though. Mainly a two-way skepticism between yourself and just about everyone else in your world. Finding people who understand you becomes a daily internal struggle and one that follows you wherever you go. Since your element is one supposedly beyond earthly comprehension it is up to you (as well as others) to work to build a bridge of understanding. Your place in the world: You are the ethereal entity blessed (or cursed) with the task of opening the eyes of a closed-minded world to the world they have blinded themselves to.

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Community Member

Sat May 16, 2009 @ 05:26am

Ne. Ne. Where'd ya get that? A cool quiz site? I wanna see if my element is air, too! It seems like it is...>.<

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