●What Everyone Has●
|+|My Name At Birth|+|
Shakugan no Shana
|+|But I Prefer|+|
No. Just no.
|+|Lost My Count Of Years|+|
|+|Well Of Course I'm|+|
|+|Coming Into This World|+|
●I'm Different, Yet Unique●
|+|People Consider Me As|+|
Heh. You're really asking me this? Herai seems to have a nicer view on me than I do, but it's your choice.
I'm an angry, violet b***h. That's pretty much it. Hey, what? That what any person would say about me. So what if they don't know what really goes on in my head? It's just how I am. ...Around other people. And especially that Akira-girl. She's a useless, obnoxious, pretty-girl princess who wouldn't know hard work and responsibility if it smacked her in the face. I just can't help blowing my top around that little witch! Ah... But then Herai stops us. I don't know why, but she can get us to calm down. It's like she's contagious. Herai's been helping me control my anger, but I don't think it's doing much good. The only time I can really be calm is when I'm outside, alone, with a good peice of melon bread. I don't get to do that too often.
|+|Yet They Still Judge People By Their Looks|+|
The Yankee
|+|How I Was Till Now|+|

Well life started out normal, for me, nothing special. Middle-class family. Then my mother, the princess, had to fall for this pretty boy and left us. My father was devistated, of course, but he didn't have to become an alcoholic. You know, I think I got my temper from my father. Whenever he got drunk he'd 'take out his anger' on me. Not exactally the best of fun. I was taken away from him and put into a hospital, then given to this old guy to be taken care of. Now that I look back on it the man was nice enough. He put up with me and all the crazy things I did, like cutting my hair, shaving my eyebrows, all that Yankee crud. Eventually I got in too deep, started doing things I wasn't proud of, but I didn't really care at that point. I remember one of the days I actually went to school. There was this girl, being teased. Nothing special, but something about it just made me boil. She wasn't fighting back, and that girl, who I didn't like in the first place, kept pushing her. It was sort of like something the Yankees had done once... It just made me mad. Before I knew it I smacked the blonde bozo out of the way and told her to 'shove it.' Ever since then I've had nothing but trouble from that girl. I can't believe she actually tried to imitate me! Ugh! Well... All of that was in middle school. The year before high school the old man died, and I quit the Yankees. You wouldn't believe how stupid they are.
|+|If You Must Know
I take my studies seriously now. I can't afford to be left behind after all this. I got held back before, after all.
|+|News Flash, I Detest|+|
+ Snobby princesses and useless pretty-boys
+ Obnoxious or pathetic people
+ People making excuses for themselves
|+|What Satisfy Me|+|
+ Melon Bread
+ Martial arts or any other kind of sport
+ Traveling
|+|Close To My Heart|+|
Ugh. You're seriouly asking me something like that?
|+|This Is My Jam|+|
Good Charlotte- Young and Hopeless