●What Everyone Has●
|+|My Name At Birth|+|
Akira Hayase
|+|But I Prefer|+|
Aki-chan. Seriously.
|+|Lost My Count Of Years|+|
|+|Well Of Course I'm|+|
A girl!
|+|Coming Into This World|+|
April 7
●I'm Different, Yet Unique●
|+|People Consider Me As|+|
Me? Ha, ha! Oh boy, you're in for the ride of your life!
I'm considered Little Miss Sunshine by everyone I know. I'm basically a bubbly, cheerful ball of bright, strawberry flavored energy! Now doesn't that just sound cute? A lot of people can't stand my sugar-coated disposition. People like Shana. Ugh, she has no sense at all! You know, we are completely diffrent! My family has the connections and the cash, her mom's a runaway and her dad's a bum. I've always got the best of everything. Best clothes, best equptment, best who knows what else. My motto is: 'I either get what I want, or I change my mind.' so either way I still end up getting what I want. She- Oh, don't even get me started on her! I tried to lend her some cash, but she flat out refused! Something about not wanting to owe anyone any favors. How stupid is that? Oh well... She's nothing.
|+|Yet They Still Judge People By Their Looks|+|
Cute, Yet Diobolical

|+|How I Was Till Now|+|
Well, like I said, I was brought up in a rich family. Honestly, I forgot what my parents did, and it really doesn't matter anyways. My mom liked to dress me up like a little cupie doll when I was little. I had long blonde hair back then, and she always found something to do with it. Honestly, it was so annoying, but I put up with t. I wanted mama's attention. So I ended up going to all sorts of events and tea parties and stuff with her so that she could show me off. I was actually a 'little lady' back then. I was so polite it makes me sick. Then I started going to school. I wanted this girl's attention, but she was always so out there, like she didn't know who I was or how to treat me. She treated me like she treated every other person there, even the teacher! That really annoyed me, so I started trying to get a reaction out of her by teasing her. Sadly, she didn't do what I wanted, but went quiet instead. How boring! So one day I was trying to really get after her when, out of nowhere, that creepy girl Shana started yelling at me! So not cool! And what was with her anyways? Her hair was cut like a boys, and the roumor was that she was a reble. A Yankee! Now that was cool.
Meanwhile I started watching the two of them, seeing the life go back into that girl, Herai. I started asking questions that my mother didn't like. We started fighting. By the time we reached middle-school it was all out war. I cut my hair like Shana's and she started growing hers out. We fought all the time, but it was fun, and I got to be around Herai too, to see what made her so diffrent. To be honest they're actually kinda cool.
|+|If You Must Know
Well what else should I tell you? Figure it out yourself!
|+|News Flash, I Detest|+|
+ Anything creepy, like spiders or haunted houses
+ Low-class things
+ Anyone who gets in my way
|+|What Satisfy Me|+|
+ Sweet things
+ Sparkly things
+ Things that spark great gossip!
|+|Close To My Heart|+|
Heh. None of these guys seem date-worthy yet.
|+|This Is My Jam|+|
Scandalous - Mis-Teeq