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The Assassin's Gate Well, I'm writing a rather complicated and in depth story, and need someplace to store and share it while I travel from computer to computer. Who knows? Maybe I'll get Published for this.

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●What Everyone Has●

|+|My Name At Birth|+|
Yukari, Herai
|+|But I Prefer|+|
Rai-chan, Dreamer, Ambassador, or anything else you can come up with.
|+|Lost My Count Of Years|+|
|+|Well Of Course I'm|+|
|+|Coming Into This World|+|
March 17th

●I'm Different, Yet Unique●

|+|People Consider Me As|+|
Well it would be rather awkward to tell you what I think about me. I'd rather just go off of what my friends have said about me. It's a lot simpler that way.
I tend to be a lot calmer than the other people I've known. I just want to get along with people and keep them from unnecessary conflict. Because of this my friends have taken to calling me the 'Ambassador.' I think it's funny, but they're totally serious about it. Another thing that has been noticed about me... I love reading books, listening to music, and pay close attention in class. It's all because I like to learn, and those are just the easiest ways for me to gather the information I want. Well, other than watching my friends. They find it a little strange, but I feel that every encounter has a purpose. Every person and event has something to teach us if we listen close enough.

|+|Yet They Still Judge People By Their Looks|+|
Gentile Heart
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|+|How I Was Till Now|+|
Honestly, I can't remember anything past the time I was seven years old. My childhood is a complete blank. But I was raised by this nice doctor who took care of me when I was in the hospital. Apparently the cause of my amnesia was a concussion that I got before hand. Someone found me and brought me to that hospital, but I still don't know who.
After that I wanted to know things, to make up for the years I lost, so I studied very hard in school. Sad thing is... School doesn't have the kinds of things I really want to know. I wanted to know what it was like to have a family, parents, siblings, friends, a dog or a cat even! I wanted to know how to get along with people, who reacted to something in a certain way. My interests were in the world around me and it's people, not in figures and numbers. It was around that time that I started being teased and fell into a small depression. I didn't talk for the longest while... That is, until I met Shana. She stood up for me. After that I made friends with her and I made friends with one of the girls who teased me before. Akira and Shana get in a lot of fights, but they listen to me when I tell them to stop for some odd reason. We've remained close friends through middle school, and now we're going into high-school. What surprises will we have in store for us here?

|+|If You Must Know
I do get upset sometimes, and I've been pushed to my limit before. Trust me, it is not a good experience. ...Don't blame me, I was in pain. I had an ear infection.
|+|News Flash, I Detest|+|
+ Spicy Foods
+ Feeling like something is out of my hands.
+ Senseless fighting.

|+|What Satisfy Me|+|
+ Sweet Foods and Drinks. ^_^
+ Learning something new.
+ Music, Art, ect...

|+|Close To My Heart|+|
No one so far. I hope Akira doesn't push someone at me again...
|+|This Is My Jam|+|
Within Temptation- Pale

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