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The Assassin's Gate Well, I'm writing a rather complicated and in depth story, and need someplace to store and share it while I travel from computer to computer. Who knows? Maybe I'll get Published for this.

Community Member
How He Feels
10582557 Report ID

Crowds used to bother me.
All of them pushed and shoved.
None of them knew each other.
Nobody cared.
Crowds used to make me wonder-
Would anyone care if I disappeared?
Would anyone remember me when I was gone?
Crowds used to bother me a lot.
All of those people made me fell very small.

But something happened,
And it made me very happy.
Because, you see,
Something happens when you find at least one person that cares.
Because then you mattered to at least one person.
Because you have a reason to get up in the mornings.

Sometimes I wonder…
I wonder how you picked me out of the crowd.
Someone like me, who was awkward and weak.
You may say you have faults,
But I can’t see many of them.
I just see you.
My friend.
You and the strengths you have.
You’re strength (and criticism) inspired me to become better.
And your ability to make me laugh kept me from falling.
I’m so glad that a person like you exists.
And if you ever fall I will pull you back up,
Whether you like it or not.
‘Cause I’m only the person I am now because I met you.
Because you pulled me out of the crowd.

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Thu Dec 18, 2008 @ 03:34am

Wow...That's really...Cool. You know how bad I am at complimenting, but I will try my best, I promise. I like this whole theme. I like the crowds and I like the symbolism, I like the idea and I like the thought I love the idea, actually. I love the thought. It is just...Beautiful. In a simple kind of way that rushes at you while your reading it. I'm used to reading bad poetry. (You wouldn't believe some of the stuff my friends have tried to come up with) But this is really good. Who is it about? The title is confusing...What He Feels...Who's 'He'? If you don't mind me asking, of course. ^-^'' Anyhoo! I loved this, I really do or I wouldn't bother you with a comment. (I personally hate when people give me comments about my stuff that they don't really mean. What's the point?) I can't find a single flaw. Not a single word would I change. Wonderful, really. ^-~

I hope that doesn't sound stupid...-sweat drop-

Community Member

Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 01:42am

Well I origionally made it for a friend, but then I thought: Hm. This sounds like it could be good for Naruto or Gaara too. Hence- How he Feels.

And thanks so much! ^///^ I wasn't even trying for poetry.

User Comments: [2]
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