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From the mind of a hamster.
Little thoughts a hamster would like shared
I feel girly...
In preperations for a friend coming during Christmas, I've been like going into a sorta cleaning mode where i think my room is trashy then make it more messy by starting to clean and move stuff around then getting lazy and leaving it there. Also, I'm like already picking out what i'm going to wear those few days. I went to the store too to get a jacket and looked at all the other clothes, I just wanted to grab half of everything and buy it so my wardrobe is girlier, what I mean by girlier is more presentable clothes like dress pants and pretty blouses, not my usual t-shirt and jeans and a hoodie when it's cold. yesterday i broke the tip of the wardrobe change time by getting a nice jacket for once. One that's actually dry clean only and kinda expensive. But oh is it warm, It makes my glad i didn't buy the jackets that are just like thicker wind breakers. Also, my mom promised me that when she got her lmp sum of money we could both get a new wardrobe. So now my mind is all girly with fashion. Mix matching tops and bottoms. What colors will work for me. Lacey or cotton panties. xd

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Dec 05, 2005 @ 08:54am

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 27, 2005 @ 07:58am
Lacey cotton best of both worlds wink

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 04:32am

~former Charizan

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 18, 2006 @ 07:49pm
hello.. i know u probably dont check ur comments but mail system is down, and i just wanted to say hi sense my comp at home is dead so i can only talk at school.. so. hi

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