just more and more...
i'm starting to hate my mom more and more than i already do. i do nothing my mom bitches, i do something and she still bitches, i'm getting so futching tired of her verbal abuse everyday even when i don't even deserve it. yet i can't get away for, 1. i have no money to go anywhere and 2. no one to turn to to help me. not to mention i couldn't even do anything since she's all mighty for six more hellbound months. why the hell do you have to wait til 18? not to mention she's trying to subject me to talking to my dad who, due to recent events and past, sickens me with his entire being. the sound of him just makes me want to gag now. just because she gets an extra few hundred by being his trustee, she is trying to subject me to talking and seeing him. Even my friends that know wouldn't talk to him. Yet my mom knows and she acts like it's nothing because she a greedy whore. And it just makes me sink back into depression more and more because i'm stuck here and i have no one to help me with anything. not physically, not even emotionally. I worked so hard to get out of the depression i sunk into 2 yrs ago, and now i'm in a similar situation again, but now i've really no one to turn to, my friends have their own problems now, and i'm not going to turn to my sisters cuz they'll side with my mother most likely cuz i can't tell them everything... Everything I worked to regain started slipping from me because her. and now it's almost all out of my grasp. I know the only way to gain anything back is to get out of here, but i can't so i'm left to sink back into my depression..
Community Member
I've come out of a depressed state too, but I wasn't strong enough to do it on my own. I had to have a lot of help, and a lot of convincing.