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From the mind of a hamster.
Little thoughts a hamster would like shared
I've been neglecting this....
Well, in updates, I'm free!! Free as a bird! From school that is. For now atleast. xd Until January when I can sign up for college classes at the community college, I have no school. And until I can find a job, I've got nothing to do except sit on my a** all day unless I'm out looking. In which this free time, when not looking for work, is now taken by an addiction I happened upon once i got my laptop. This drug is like liquid crack that I have to have flowing through my veins or there is no point in the existance of my being. This drug I let take the few extra hours of sleep away from me. This drug, ladies and gentlemen, is Ragnarok Online. Some of you may think, "Eh, that's not such a great game." But to me it is, for me it's, "I waited so long to play this game, that I will play until it sucks to me." I have been waiting since fall of 2002 to play this game. I've known about it, but my computers never met the system requirements to install it, or I had dial-up and I would get booted before even 25%. So at long last I get to play. Most may not understand my addiction but atleast it is not some illegal one.

In other news; There is no other news to be isuued. Good-bye

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 10, 2005 @ 08:10am
Hello there... ninja

Just because you got out of school doesn't mean that you can be happy. You should have finished your class yound lady!!! scream
I'm not the only one who thinks so. you could use the knowledge in the future! *sniff* poor jessica, *sniff**sniff*
you missed out on lots of mooo-lah!

But I'm glad your gonna continue school in Jan.
*pat on back*

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 01:17pm
wow, fnisheing school... this is my last year, next one is college >_<

i can understand your ragnarok addiction, i have some free trial disks that i blew through, and its a good game, but... cant afford the monthly pay domokun
actually... my current online gaming addiction is ........ KNIGHT OnLine

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