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From the mind of a hamster.
Little thoughts a hamster would like shared
Welcome to San Francisco where the bums don't care! :D
You know it's really funny how people can live in a place so long and but not notice somethings that's been around for awhile. I've known since day one how scary/crazy a lot of the homeless people can be. My mom on the other hand, who's lived her longer than i had been alive before i was born and now almost a year and a half since we got back, had her crazy bum cherry popped when a homeless person made a big scene at a chain food place about the bathroom only being for customers only and peed in front of the door. While she still thinks this is rare, it is not. Unwillingly I have seen worse on a weekly basis when i would trek home from downtown to here. What's the point of this entry? None real, just bored, but if there has to be... Know there are too many bums like this, and if you don't wanna see it, don't live in/near a big city. Thank you. ninja

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 25, 2006 @ 09:56am
The only thing bums are good for is entertaining me.

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