Name: Ishizu Ishtar
Age::20, born April 4
Hair:: Black
Eyes:: Blue
Blood Type:: O
Height:: 5'6
Weight:: 95 pounds
Status:: Marik's Older Sister
Quote:: None
Bio:: Ishizu's family have been the tombkeepers to the Pharaoh for thousands of years. The latest generation, Marik and herself now hold this responsibility. However, due to Marik's plans for world domination, it is up to her and her millenium necklace to stop him. She gives Kaiba Obelisk the Tormenter in hopes of luring her brother to the Battle City Tournament and putting an end to his evil ways. She also as acts a link to the past, by relaying key information to both Yugi and Seto Kaiba, with regards to their past lives and their role in the saving of the world.
During the Battle City Finals, she dueled against Seto Kaiba, but lost due to the interference of Marik/Seto's Millenium Rod. However, she decides to give her millenium item to Yugi, figuring that it would better serve him. She still searches for a way to save her brother Marik from his evil Yami.
Ishizu is the reincarnation of Aishizu, who was a top priestess for Pharaoh Atemu.