today my family and i went shopping for grocerys.. i stayed in the car of course.. well when my parents came back there was this guy who parked right next to us and said u parked over the line or something and my dad said he was sorry but it was kinda hard to back into the space. then the guy said to my dad that he should go back to driving school and they will teach him.. scream so my dad was just waiting for the guy to back out in his card and the guy scream he opened the door and smashed it into our car on purpose!!! so my dad got into the car and did the same thing and they both kept smashing the door into each other... i mean couldnt the guy wait to we backed out so he could get in? does he have to smash our car just because we were over the line a bit? i hope he will suffer! bit harsh of me to say that...whoops...
sassy_starry · Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 11:18am · 2 Comments |