Image :

Name :
Mizuki Raven Tsukiko but goes by Raven
Age :
As an Elemental, several thousand years old, but as a vampire half breed around 500 years old ( looks about 23)
D.O.B :
"Born" on Winter Solstice
Place of Birth :
Elemental do not breed like humans, They " create " a child out of the elements, for Raven, it was the first snowflake of Winter Solstice.
Water Elemental/ Vampire
Race Information :
Controls the element Water. Can manipulate it into anything she needs.
Powers/Magic Type/Elements :
Although she was turned, Raven still commands the waters. She can form any type of weapon out of water. Her other power is called " Ice Reach" She send out an iridescent hand of ice towards her enemy. Anything the hand touches, the enemy will feel the freezing cold suck the warmth out of their very soul. She will freeze them from the inside out. Very few have ever escaped her Ice Reach.
She can become transparent, but for short periods of time. If injured, she has the ability to turn to ice and heal herself.
Raven always carries a small dagger in her hair, a fan with sharp blades on the edges and twin katanas. The katanas was a gift from another Elemental. The blades are etched with runes. When she draws them, the runes glow a brilliant light blue and blade turns into iridescent harden ice.
Character Description :
Long silvery blue hair flows down her back to her ankles. Large, almost shaped eye surrounded by thick, dark eyelashes. Her eyes are an icey-blue color that seems to glow. Usually wears long robes that reach to the ground in shades of white, light blues,black and silvers. When she is out on a hunt, she will wear a black leather duster, matching leather pants and a tight leather corset and black biker boots.
She is often found outside, watching the world from the shadows. On a full moon, Raven can be found in forests or parks, often sitting on a rock or bench and staring at the moon or playing a sad melody on her violin She is still hesitant about other vampires, but will talk with them. Raven a loner by choose, but often dreams about having a companion to talk with.