The name of your character:
Your name:
Ice Mistress Mara
Ranking, Position:
Vice Captain : Second Wheel Commander
1049 but looks 23

Sweet, Caring, Kind Hearted, Cranky at times, Defends her friends no matter what, Gives everyone the benifit of the doubt, Sometimes hyper, Humorous, loves a good fight. Loves to read, eat sweets, will crack a joke at her own expence, loves to sleep late and hates to wake up early, unless it is for a good fight
Master of Holy Magic and Creation Magic with Seal of Abjuration and Seal of Wrath
Weapon Name:
Shard of Heaven called Arondight
Personal Weapon :
Two-Handed sword called Byakko - Has 3 stones imbedded into the steel near the hilt, Ruby, Diamond, and Hemitie. When activated, the stone melts into the blade, turning the blade into said stone.
Hemitite shurikens ( throwing knifes ) : blade transforms into hundreds of shurikens that attack the enemy, if cut, the wound turns into Hemitite and can not be healed.
Animal form : Black Cougar - will attack numerous enemies, when the enemy is wounded by either claws or teeth, marks turn to stone and speared to the muscles.
Ruby Throwing spikes: 6 inch spikes fly out of the blade when slashed at the enemy, if the enemy is stuck with one, he spike melts inside the wound and makes the blood turn to molten lava.
Animal form : Phenoix - attacks flying enemies. When attacking an enemy, will give an ear piercing cry that freezes the enemy for a few seconds. If struck with talons or beak, skin will blister and melt away.
Diamond Darts : Several darts fly out and become translucent, they become sharp ice shards and when skin is piereced by them, they will freeze the muscle.
Animal form : Twin Tigers - will befend the weilder from being attacked from behind and the sides. Can become transparent. When enemy is bitten or clawed, the teeth or claws will break off in the skin, melt into the body and attack the nerves system.
Belisama was born 50+ years before the end of the First War. She has always had a nack with swordplay. Her father was in the Second Wheel, and he taught her everything she knows. After her father was killed, Belisama rose throught the ranks of the Second Wheel. Now she fights in the name of her father.