Ice Mistress Mara
RP name:
Mizuki Mara Harumi ( aka Mara or Mizu-chan to her friends )
5th seat
645, but looks 25
Tall, light skin ( almost irridesent in the sun ) Has a scar over her left eye that has left her blind in that eye. The scar starts in the middle of her eyebrow, curves down over the eye towards her left temple. always wears her hair over her left eye.
Long, thick lashes surrounding almond shaped eyes the color of the lightest cherry blossom petal. Often shows her emotions in her eye. Left eye is a duller shade then her right.
Long flowing hair, the color of silver in the moonlight, cascading down to her lower back. Reflexs the colors of gray, white, silver and sometimes, when the light shines just right on her hair, the colors of the rainbow can be seen.
Aura color:
Silver, Red, White, and Pink intertwin as they swirl around her body.
Colors often combining to create other colors. Only dark spot on her aura is the black swirling vortex over her left eye.

"Kazumi" When drawn, the blade shines with a silver light, , the sheath has a redish-silver aura. The hilt has silver carvings, depicting a moon shining on a forest.
Kazumi spirit form is a large white tiger with eyes the color of the brightest blue ice. His coat was the color of fresh fallin snow at nightfall on a full moon. Whisps of ice fog curl off his torso. His black strips are the color of thousands of black diamonds shiningin the sun.
Comes in several forms
"Whisper" Kazumi - When Kazumi is swung towards the enemy, a powerful ice wind strikes the enemy causing ice shards to appear on any cuts, proventing the cut from healing. the ice shards grow into the cut, causing emints pain and suffering.
"Iceweb" Kazumi- Pushing energy through Kazmi, a large iceball forms at the tip of the blade. The iceball is shot at the enemy and explodes on them. The strings of ice wrap around the target's limbs and binds themselves to the ground. The enemy is allowed some movement, but the wires will constrict the more the victim fights.
"Release" Kazumi - Kazumi becomes a crystal dulpicate of her weidler. When an enemy strikes it, it shaders into thousands of ice shards and strike the enemy.
"Flow" Kazumi - Kazumi changes from an ice blade into a flowing water blade, solid, yet everflowing. When swung at the enemy, can create a massive wave of water that races towards the enemy.
"Rain" Kazumi - when slashed at the enemy, hundreds of water droplets form into daggers that attack the enemy. When they hit, the sink into the enemy's flesh and crystalize
( this is a secret Shikai for Kazumi. Not used very often )
"Heal" Kazumi - Kazumi turns into a blinding white light, small snow flakes drifting off of it. When places on the hurt person, a cleansing light evaporates into their body. Their body takes on an angelic light, flashing once then going dim. The light comes back out and reforms into Kazumi. But to use this form of Kazumi, the weilder much give some of their engery to help boost Kazumi's healing ability.
Not achieved yet
Very quiet, tends to keep to herself. Defends her friends to the end. Every once in awhile, she will tell a joke or make a funny comment, usually just to catch her friends off guard. Love of her life is in Squad 1, he is a Ltn. .
Only thing from her human life she remembers is how she died, lying in a cherry tree field, her body broken and bleeding on the cherry flowers
and petals. Ever so often, a memory will appear in her mind, but never lasting for more then a few seconds before disappearing
Kido lvl - low/medium, Shunpo lvl- Fast , Strength lvl - med/high , speed - fast/very fast
Can see people's aura's out of her left eye, other then that, she cant see out of it. Likes to read....ALOT, you can usually find her under a tree with a book or 4 around her and different animals near by, or curled up in the sleves of her robe.