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T-Kun's 'fficial Instructions (Now With Ramble)
Basically, anything on my mind. Summaries of my day, rants, rambles, thoughts. I've always got something on my mind. Also, I am required by law to inform you that there are Zombies lurking. Have a nice day.
Luu's Metamorphosis
Luu needs to write a paper for English on what animal he would transform into. Though the teacher siad it didn't HAVE to be an ANIMAL.

This happened.

[21:58] TriforceChan: Twili
[21:58] crackersnacker: that'd be creepy
[21:59] TriforceChan: Zora!
[21:59] TriforceChan: Goron .-.
[21:59] crackersnacker: nah
[21:59] crackersnacker: eww
[21:59] TriforceChan: xD
[21:59] TriforceChan: Geruuuudoooo O.o
[21:59] Meebo Message: crackersnacker is online
[21:59] crackersnacker: that isnt exactly animalistic
[21:59] TriforceChan: The one male born in a century
[21:59] TriforceChan: lol
[21:59] TriforceChan: she said it didn't have to be an animal. and I'm joking anyways.
[21:59] TriforceChan: Deku Scrub!
[21:59] TriforceChan: Moblin
[21:59] TriforceChan: Keese
[22:00] TriforceChan: ChuChu
[22:00] TriforceChan: TINGLE
[22:00] TriforceChan: Navi
[22:00] TriforceChan: The Moon
[22:00] TriforceChan: Skull Kid
[22:00] TriforceChan: Stalchild
[22:00] TriforceChan: Stalfo
[22:00] TriforceChan: Lizalfo
[22:00] TriforceChan: Dinalfo
[22:00] TriforceChan: Gibdo
[22:00] TriforceChan: Redead
[22:00] crackersnacker: oh s**t
[22:00] TriforceChan: xDDD
[22:00] TriforceChan: Octorok
[22:00] TriforceChan: Pseudo Rupee
[22:00] TriforceChan: Like Like
[22:00] TriforceChan: Floormaster
[22:01] TriforceChan: Wallmaster
[22:01] TriforceChan: Pahtom Ganon
[22:01] TriforceChan: Ganon
[22:01] TriforceChan: Ganondorf
[22:01] TriforceChan: Skultulla
[22:01] crackersnacker: o_O

[22:01] crackersnacker: O_O
[22:01] crackersnacker: O_o
[22:01] TriforceChan: GOLDEN Skulltulla
[22:01] TriforceChan: Bubble
[22:01] crackersnacker: maybe ill just do a wolf
[22:01] TriforceChan: Twinmold
[22:01] TriforceChan: Ghoma
[22:02] TriforceChan: The Helmaroc King
[22:02] crackersnacker: i can hella whoop that girl's
[22:02] TriforceChan: The King of Red Lions
[22:02] crackersnacker: a boat..........
[22:02] TriforceChan: King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule
[22:02] TriforceChan: Saria
[22:02] TriforceChan: Malon
[22:02] TriforceChan: Ruto
[22:03] TriforceChan: Laruto
[22:03] TriforceChan: Mido
[22:03] TriforceChan: Deku Baba
[22:03] TriforceChan: Boko Baba
[22:03] TriforceChan: Bokoblin
[22:03] TriforceChan: Miniblin
[22:03] TriforceChan: Magtail
[22:03] TriforceChan: Moldorm
[22:03] TriforceChan: Pols Voice
[22:03] TriforceChan: (made one out of clay today)
[22:03] TriforceChan: Wizrobe
[22:04] TriforceChan: Manhandla
[22:04] TriforceChan: Mad Scrub
[22:04] crackersnacker: yeah.............................
[22:05] crackersnacker: ill just do a wolf
[22:05] crackersnacker: but im actually kinda lazy to do a whole transformation scene
[22:05] crackersnacker: so ill do the
[22:05] crackersnacker: *wake-up* OH s**t
[22:05] crackersnacker: in a forest
[22:06] crackersnacker: in a snowy forest
[22:06] crackersnacker: with hills and mountains
[22:06] crackersnacker: and a grey, clody sky
[22:06] TriforceChan: I'm not done yet.
[22:06] TriforceChan: Desbrekos
[22:06] TriforceChan: Garo
[22:07] TriforceChan: Majora's Mask
[22:07] TriforceChan: Majora's Incarnation
[22:07] TriforceChan: Majora's Wrath
[22:07] TriforceChan: Fierce Deity Link
[22:07] TriforceChan: Dark Link
[22:07] TriforceChan: ...nah, not the Links.
[22:07] TriforceChan: Strike those.
[22:08] TriforceChan: Those weird Goron-looking things that appear on the way up to the Ikana Canyon whose names I can't remember right now.
[22:08] TriforceChan: Guays
[22:08] TriforceChan: Barinade
[22:08] TriforceChan: Traps
[22:08] TriforceChan: Morpha
[22:08] TriforceChan: ZANT
[22:08] TriforceChan: Midna. So you can't talk about naked people, cupcakes.
[22:08] TriforceChan: Or do you not care veggies?
[22:09] TriforceChan: Fire Keese
[22:09] TriforceChan: Ice Keese
[22:09] TriforceChan: Blizetta
[22:09] TriforceChan: Helmasaur
[22:09] TriforceChan: Real Bombchu
[22:10] TriforceChan: Ghodan
[22:10] TriforceChan: Molgera
[22:10] TriforceChan: Poe
[22:10] TriforceChan: Dead Hand
[22:11] TriforceChan: Iron Knuckle
[22:11] TriforceChan: Dark Nut
[22:11] TriforceChan: AN ONIGIRI
[22:11] TriforceChan: Wolfos
[22:11] TriforceChan: White Wolfos
[22:12] TriforceChan: Freezard
[22:12] TriforceChan: CHEEZARD
[22:12] TriforceChan: alright
[22:12] TriforceChan: I think I'm good for now.
[22:12] crackersnacker: yay
[22:14] TriforceChan: so
[22:14] crackersnacker: well ima do a wolf in a winter forest with black trees and white plains
[22:14] TriforceChan: i herd u liek mudkipz
[22:14] crackersnacker: hell nnoz
[22:14] crackersnacker: i like them F-ing squirtles dawg
[22:14] crackersnacker: u get me homey?
[22:15] crackersnacker: u catch my drift homeslice?
[22:15] TriforceChan: This was a triumph
[22:15] TriforceChan: I'm aking a note here: HUGE SUCCESS
[22:15] TriforceChan: it's hard to overstate my satisfaction
[22:15] TriforceChan: Aperture Science
[22:15] TriforceChan: we do what we must because we can
[22:15] TriforceChan: for the good of all of us
[22:15] TriforceChan: Except the ones who are dead
[22:16] TriforceChan: but there's no sense crying over every mistake
[22:16] TriforceChan: you just keep on trying til you run out of cake
[22:16] TriforceChan: then the science gets done
[22:16] TriforceChan: and you make a neat gun
[22:16] TriforceChan: for the people who are
[22:16] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:16] TriforceChan: I'm not even angry
[22:16] TriforceChan: I'm being so sincere right now
[22:16] TriforceChan: Even though you broke my heart and killed me
[22:16] TriforceChan: And tore me to pieces
[22:16] TriforceChan: and threw every piece into a fire
[22:16] TriforceChan: as they burned it hurt because
[22:16] TriforceChan: I was so happy for you
[22:17] TriforceChan: now these points of data make a beautiful line
[22:17] TriforceChan: and we're out of beta we're releasing on time
[22:17] TriforceChan: so I'm glad I got burned
[22:17] TriforceChan: think of all the things we learned'
[22:17] TriforceChan: for the people who are
[22:17] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:17] TriforceChan: Go ahead and leave me
[22:17] TriforceChan: I think I prefer to stay inside
[22:17] TriforceChan: maybe you'll find someone else to help you
[22:17] TriforceChan: Maybe Black Mesa
[22:17] TriforceChan: that was a joke
[22:18] TriforceChan: HA HA, FAT CHANCE
[22:18] TriforceChan: anyway, this cake is great
[22:18] TriforceChan: it's so delicious and moist
[22:18] TriforceChan: look at me still talking when there's science to do
[22:18] TriforceChan: when I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you
[22:18] TriforceChan: I've experiment sot run
[22:18] TriforceChan: there is research to be done
[22:18] TriforceChan: on the poeple who are
[22:18] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:18] TriforceChan: believe me I am
[22:18] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:18] TriforceChan: I'm doing science and I'm
[22:18] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:18] TriforceChan: I feel fantastic and I'm
[22:18] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:19] TriforceChan: and when you're dying I'll be
[22:19] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:19] TriforceChan: and when you're dead I will be
[22:19] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:19] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:19] TriforceChan: still alive
[22:19] TriforceChan: biggrin
[22:19] crackersnacker: thats one sweet tune, yo
[22:20] TriforceChan: Yes
[22:21] crackersnacker: ya gotta dig those vibrations man, you feel me gansta?
[22:21] TriforceChan: Vi undrar r ni redo att vara med
[22:21] TriforceChan: Armarna upp nu ska ni f se
[22:21] TriforceChan: Kom igen
[22:21] TriforceChan: Vem som helst kan vara med
[22:22] TriforceChan: S rr p era ftter
[22:22] TriforceChan: O-a-a-a
[22:22] TriforceChan: Och vicka era hfter
[22:22] TriforceChan: O-la-la-la
[22:22] crackersnacker: what the HEILL? youse pickin' a fight huh honkey?
[22:22] TriforceChan: Gr som vi
[22:22] TriforceChan: Till denna melodi
[22:22] TriforceChan:
Dansa med oss
[22:22] TriforceChan: Klappa era hnder
[22:22] TriforceChan: Gr som vi gr
[22:22] TriforceChan: Ta ngra steg t vnster
[22:23] TriforceChan: Lyssna och lr
[22:23] TriforceChan: Missa inte chansen
[22:23] TriforceChan: Nu r vi hr med
[22:23] TriforceChan: Caramelldansen
[22:23] TriforceChan: O-o-oa-oa
[22:23] TriforceChan: O-o-oa-oa
[22:23] TriforceChan: O-o-oa-oa
[22:23] TriforceChan: O-o-oa-oao
[22:23] TriforceChan: Det blir en sensation verallt frsts
[22:23] TriforceChan: P fester kommer alla att slppa loss
[22:23] TriforceChan: Kom igen
[22:23] TriforceChan: Nu tar vi stegen om igen
[22:23] TriforceChan: S rr p era ftter
[22:24] TriforceChan: Oa-a-a
[22:24] TriforceChan: Och vicka era hfter
[22:24] TriforceChan: O-la-la-la
[22:24] TriforceChan: Gr som vi
[22:24] TriforceChan: Till denna melodi
[22:24] TriforceChan: S kom och
[22:24] TriforceChan: Dansa med oss
[22:24] crackersnacker: oahhhhh yeah beezy. that song is the shitz, specially in da hood
[22:24] TriforceChan: Klappa era hnder
[22:24] TriforceChan: Gr som vi gr
[22:25] TriforceChan: Ta ngra steg t vnster
[22:25] TriforceChan: Lyssna och lr
[22:25] TriforceChan: Missa inte chansen
[22:25] crackersnacker: other brothers aint got nothin on marin
[22:25] TriforceChan: Nu r vi hr med
[22:25] TriforceChan: Caramelldansen
[22:25] TriforceChan: Dansa med oss
[22:25] TriforceChan: Klappa era hnder
[22:25] TriforceChan: Gr som vi gr
[22:25] TriforceChan: Ta ngra steg t vnster
[22:25] TriforceChan: Lyssna och lr
[22:25] TriforceChan: Missa inte chansen
[22:25] TriforceChan: Nu r vi hr med
[22:25] TriforceChan: Caramelldansen
[22:26] TriforceChan: Okay, now I'm bored.
[22:26] crackersnacker: yo foo, i gots ta sling and pop
[22:26] TriforceChan: lol. Luu trying to act gangsta
[22:26] TriforceChan: I love you, you Squishy Asian man xD

User Comments: [3] [add]
Khaelit Ronove
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 28, 2008 @ 05:20am

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 28, 2008 @ 10:15pm
I can't believe I read all that XD;;
rofl....deku scrub XDD;;

Ranger Myst
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Oct 29, 2008 @ 01:12am
Kakiro kyaa! Tain kekero, chaihen! Toshtei, TK. Miare toshtei. 3nodding

User Comments: [3] [add]
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