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My Artistic Blip of No Return...
Well...there really isn't a whole lot I can say about this or myself. I'm young, inexperianced (in life, that is), naive, whinny, shy, hyper, and a teenager. Is there anything else I need to say?
Nothing much...
Well, I haven't exactly been on here for some time. I've been so busy with college (it's fantastic, by the way!) and homework. Just yesterday I helped my mom and sister with a dance group for a Christian Woman's Conferance; we were part of a dance group that danced for it. It was tons of fun! heart

Well, anyways, nothing major has happened. Besides college nothing major. Oh! Well, I did get a job at Target; I guess that's something.

Other than that....mmm...can't think of much else. Gotta do a speech that I haven't begun to write tomorrow, so I'd better get off. I hate speeches...and it's on a subject that I don't care much for: scrapbooking crying I hate scrapbooking...

Well, ja! heart

If I were your pet, I'd run away.

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