Well, I started skool last week. Hope everyone had a good summer. Seeing as I didn't, I'm kinda glad to be back in skool. I'll have to get used to going to bed around 9 and getting up at 6. ((Though durring the summer I usually go to bed around 12 and get up whenever smile )) I saw my pals, and everyone has a class with me, 'cept J, Autumn, James ((well, he has lunch with me, so that counts)) So I guess I'm good.
I'm currently working on a pic for my pal, Autumn. She is such a sweetheart, and though we don't agree on some things, she is still a best friend of mine. ((Especially since she lives 6 houses down from me)) I don't know how it'll come out in the end, as someone took my drawing pens ((I'm still mad about that... evil scream )), but I'll think of something.
...as I was the one who forgot her bithday last week. sweatdrop
But I hope to go shopping today, then come home and work on that pic, as well as some homework. Gotta change some habbits. I usually wait 'till the last second, but as I'm a sophomore in high skool, I can't do that. Not with the ISTEP+ coming up...Oh god... mad eek
Wish me luck!!
Illominos · Sat Aug 27, 2005 @ 04:44pm · 0 Comments |