How sad... I can't believe that we have one week of summer left... The end of summer is usually really depressing on my part. Seeing as I'm the youngest of my four sibbys (not including step sibbys) I'm the one that will be in high skool the longest. Which means I'll have to be depressed for (counts on fingers) two more years. How sad. Oh well. I'll be able to see my pals again.
Hmm... Interesting first journal. But I have to go. Dad's picking me up to go to Band (yeah yeah, we've all heard it... "One time, at Band Camp"...) and I'll be there 'till 8 with the Guard. Hope Katie doesn't mess with me today. I'm very tired, and I don't feel well. Must be that skool'll be starting soon. Oh well.
Long live Band!! heart whee smile
Illominos · Mon Aug 15, 2005 @ 06:27pm · 0 Comments |