1. do you know me? 2. do i know you? 3. do you like me as a friend? 4. would i be considered funny? 5. what would you do if u found out i was dead? 6. try name 5 good qualities i hav(if u can) sweatdrop 7. what do u think ur doing looking at my diary? eek
lol couldnt think of anything else and partly typed this up cauz i was bored... xp
1. yes 2. yes. well, no but yes blaugh 3. yes 4. hmm.. you're unintentionally funny. 5. *starts dreaming..* let's see... nah, i'd cry 6. humourous, good listener..companionable, friendly, can i name 5 bad things? blaugh 7. you read mine, i read yours.
CynicalChick Community Member
Fri Mar 10, 2006 @ 06:40am
I am bored so I am posting this
1.Yes 2. Hopefully..... 3. Of course! biggrinbiggrin 4. Well you do funny things unintentionally but sometimes you can be really funny 5. Would fall on my knees screaming WHY HER! SHE WAS SO INNOCENT! Maybe not. But I would be sad, and cry crying and use it as a leverage to get out of homework. "Sorry miss, I couldn't do my homework because my friend died." Because you hated homework. 6. Funny, smart, nice, thoughtful (like with the birthday book) good msn person 7. Well if you are going to get all touchy about it why don't you set it on private. HMM!! WELL! smile