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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
Mekura_Sachi, The One...And Only!
Name: Mekura_Sachi! Merky...Mek...Mekky...Sachi..That girl girl in the corner.
Birthday: Apirl 11...The Year Of Me!
Birthplace: Saudi Arabia...Yes there are spitting camels here.
Current Location: Canada...Eh! ^-^
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown..Mmmm chocolate. *drools*
Hair Color: Black. Washa!
Height: Lets just say I am a giraffe. >>
Right Handed or Left Handed: I am right handed but I tend to comb my hair sometimes with my left hand just cause it is fun.
Your Heritage: I'm brown...No seriously I am...Stop laughing!
The Shoes You Wore Today: I wore socks...No shoes. I will if I have to...>> *Stares at evil sisters*
Your Weakness: Ahh it must be my kindness. Everyone uses that advantage. I am learning how to be mean. =D
Your Fears: Uuuh...Hmm...Well I fear... And talking to people I don't know of.
Me: Um...Uh..Can I have...Green..Tea..Please. >> *looks down at the floor*
Guy: Um okay...That will be 2.50. o.o
Me: Okay...>> << ....Oh ya the money! *pushes money forward and knocks down stand* ...Whoops.
Your Perfect Pizza: Well if had the cheese crust man...And a hint of love. T _ T
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To be smart and organized...If that fails then to just to be more socialized. >> *hugs computer* DON'T TAKE AWAY MY BABY!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: No I don't have A.D.D -.-
Thoughts First Waking Up: Ahhhhh I fell off the bed again...Gotta...Get up...What was the name of that girl in Sin City? Aw god I am gonna be up all night thinking about this.
Your Best Physical Feature: The dent in my arm! =D I accidently ran into a push pin and well I got the dent in my arm...>>
Your Bedtime: Ahh I really don't have one. I can go to bed anytime I want...Thinking about things that aren't important...GOD WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THAT GIRL IN SIN CITY?!
Your Most Missed Memory: Being the smartest one in Grade one. XD
Pepsi or Coke: COKE! IT'S THE ORIGINAL! *knaws on a pepsi can: =k
MacDonalds or Burger King: Well really both of them are death places. XD But I would go with Burger King. I really don't go with the rats...It's not my thing.
Single or Group Dates: Sorry I don't date, I have to be on the computer by five.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Aren't they the same? I'd go with Nestea. Just because...It's Nestea! ^_^
Chocolate or Vanilla: Why not both? Or better yet why isn't there a mint option?! Or banana?! T _T You make Mekura sad.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both are valuble...*strokes coffee cup* Precious..GET AWAY!
Do you Smoke: I like to breathe...You know like this. *inhales...ex-hales*
Do you Swear: Ah sometimes...If I am really mad. Or if I am tired...Yay.
Do you Sing: I do when I am trying to make a friend laugh or if I am home alone...I like to dance with my singing. XD
Do you Shower Daily: I do cause my mommy will slap me if I don't. XD
Have you Been in Love: Yes I have. *hugs computer* I will never leave you!
Do you want to go to College: I do if I don't want to get murdered. But like Shampoo-Sama said I want to go to Bovine University! XD
Do you want to get Married: No I wanna be really old and watch anime in my apartment and live with like twelve cats. =D
Do you belive in yourself: I believe...I believe I can fly! *jumps off a building...*
Do you get Motion Sickness: I do and this really makes my parents mad and try to shut me up. Once when I was like in grade three I ate ketchip chips on a road trip and threw up in a bag. And my older sister proudly react the moment on camera...And I was mad at her. Now I laugh. XD
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes, it's so hard being beautiful! XD
Are you a Health Freak: Drinking coke everyday it's not healthy...And jamming junk food in your mouth...Like oreos. =O
Do you get along with your Parents: Sometimes. My parents are crazy. XD
Do you like Thunderstorms: Ya and then I laugh histirically outside with my hands in the air before getting zap. Mmm crisp. XP
Do you play an Instrument: Uuuuh base clarinet...A little of guitar...Recorder....My hands..Pots and pans. Elastics are great. =D
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Noooo your crazy. =D You crazy-girl. n.n...Oh what your a man? O.o
In the past month have you Smoked: Breathing...Good.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Ya cause I am really gonna tell you all. XD No..I haven't. o.o
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Never ever never ever never ever never ever never!!!!!!!!!!! EVER! >O< In the past month have you gone to a Mall: The horrible malls...Clothes..Everywhere. *shivers*
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: There in a box now? o.o
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Ya! Gooooood it is so good. @O@ *drools*
In the past month have you been on Stage: Noo....My last stage apperance was in grade five. XD I'M BAD! ~ *poses*
In the past month have you been Dumped: This is why I don't like dating. No one dumps Mekura_Sachi, she dumps you!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Um...no. o.o
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No but one time when I was little I stole a cady piece...And I still cry over it. T _ T
Ever been Drunk: NO! *does x sign like in anime*
Ever been called a Tease: A tease? Is that a word?
Ever been Beaten up: Ya cause someone is going to come up to me and want to fight...I have power.
Ever Shoplifted: THE CANDY! *breaks into hard sobs* I WAS A FAT CHILD OKAY?!
How do you want to Die: I want to die with rose petals falling around me as I look into the sky with dull eyes and whisper, "Rosetta...Forgive me!" And then I fall in the snow and lie there beautifully. =D ...Either that I would die to protect my friends or family. *nods*
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A Manga Artist...Making my own mangas. It's my dream! >o< ...>>
What country would you most like to Visit: Yep Japan..*nods* Or I would want to go to Italy. @O@
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Um....No.
Favourite Hair Color: Hairs! Bahahah. XD
Short or Long Hair: It depends..But I really don't care!
Height: I want him to be taller. >> Are thou tall guys out there? gonk
Weight: Uh...I want him to be healthy. whee
Best Clothing Style: Clothing is just clothing. >>
Number of Drugs I have taken: Me? O.O Um I don't take drugs. >> Except for air and sugar! *gives a thumbs up*
Number of CDs I own: I like have one...I tend to burn them. =/
Number of Tattoos: That'd be cool. If I could get a tatoo with no side affect I would get like a dragon on my back. =D But seeing how you age it will probably look like a demented cow. >>
Number of things in my Past I Regret: ...Ah there is so many. @O@

User Comments: [1]
Eternal Nitemare
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sun Oct 09, 2005 @ 11:30pm
Woah, that was alot of questions X___x

Ralph wants to go to Bovine University xD Funny funny...
J-don beats you...us...up u.u'

Me as an old lady:-squints- "Whats that on your back Mekura? ...Is that a demented cow?"

You stole a candy peice?!?! >o<
I know why you won't peirce your ears =D
...Who is that girl in Sin City? ...I haven't watched the movie...yet. =_=

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