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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
A Title. ((And you expected more..Shame on you! >=O))
Wow I haven't written in this for a long time. o.o

But ever since I stopped, I was looking at my friend's journals and made me want to write something. 3nodding

So here it is...

Okay gimme a second to think of something. sweatdrop

So I am not a major politics person but I have been seeing a very slight change to humanity.

So now your asking, "Oh..Uh...Lol..How can you tell what changed humanity when you know people from the Internet and have no social life? =O"

Well it is highly possible but I read the newspaper sometimes. Only like two lines. -.- But I get the basic story of the head lines.

"A -insert deadly weapon- has bombed -insert country's name-. And it is a tourist attack O.O!"


So that my friend is how we changed humanity. gonk

Were gonna blow ourselves up. 3nodding

Yep get ready, were gonna get crazier. ((You better believe it..))

With all the, "OMGZ YOU ATTACKED MY COUNTRY! I AM GONNA BLOW YOUR BRAIN OUT scream ! FEEL MY HANDS POP YOUR HEADS OFF!" condoodles going out and marking the peoples they hate, were really gonna cross the lines.

So with George Bush going,

George Bush: God made me president! And as president I am gonna blow every damn country that I can spell! confused mrgreen
A random guy: Amen! biggrin

So lets see, we had a recent attack in London with many trains blowing up. Which is sad so that’s no joking matter. o.o Time for a other interesting Mekura fact! xp

London teamed up with America during the Iraq War? eek

So do you REALLY think that the Iraq people will be like...

Random Iraq Man: DUDE ARE YOU OKAY? gonk
Dying Iraq Man: I am fine...Just don't kill the people that killed me, and give no name to our country, and let it be stamped over by cheap stamps. *dies*
Random Iraq Man: Okay. *shrugs* neutral

So that is why you should never accept war with America. Cause your eventually gonna hurt your people and feel stupid at the end. But London seem to be a little slow that day....

America: Um guys I am gonna go kill people wanna come? surprised
Canada: Um sorry eh, I just can't. Us Canadians believe in peace and love! Um..eh. 3nodding
France: Ah zee killing is no good to us. We shall eat frog legs instead! cool
Japan: HAI! twisted
Other countries that were asked: NO! scream
London: Righty-o! Bring it on! But first can we have tea? whee

((Disclaimer: I think Japan was asked to join the war, but no one wants to mess with them. Because if you mess with Japan, they are gonna take out their high tech lazers. o.o

A person: YOU MUST DIE! *takes out a little gun* scream
Japan People: *take out a long machine gun* Konnichiwa! wink
Person: Crap! gonk
*large explosion*

End of disclaimer. XP))

So this is why London should of saw it coming. o.o ....So I might not gotten every little fact in my rant right but...Meh. sweatdrop

Now lets go to a mystical place where no one never thought it'd would be on the world, with magical elves prancing around, cool lookin trees, and a dark gloomy castle, a school for young wizards and witches, Hogwarts. razz

Oh wait never mind I mean Egypt! =D ((Reading to much Harry Potter. DON'T TELL ME ABOUT THE SIXTH BOOK! scream ))

So Egypt is like a place where everything is cool, you got your little pyramids, spitting camels, sands, and people. Yep sounds like a cool place.

And you'd never guessed it...


Oh noes really?! gonk

Yes really. 3nodding

I have no idea why, I have no idea what Egypt did and never took a time to read it.

An other funny thing I noticed that people are really beginning to hate brown people. O.O I mean you can see that glint in their eyes. xd

A random person in a brown restaurant: I HATE YOU! I SHUN YOU! FOR WHAT ONE PERSON DID I HATE YOU!!!!! scream scream
Random brown citizen: o.o......Would like curry with that?

So ya. You know it's funny. That for what one crazy dude does impacts the whole race. rolleyes

Who ever this turban guy was running around and blowing up airplanes and running away was a bad chicken, but once that happened brown people was declared fiends.



But I don't have to worry for a long time about blowing ourselves up, I am gonna be dead. =D

Take that (grandx50) children! SUCKERS! I AM GONNA BE DEAD BEFORE YOU! >=D AH-HA!

But I don't think anyone will be brown, white, black, yellow, red whatever whacy colors there are.

Because were all gonna be baige.

Were gonna be baige because, with every different race mixing were all gonna be like the same skin tone. o.o

So you better start doing it now so your (grandx50) children won't regret it.

...I'm tired. -.-


P.S. I am gonna go to a art gallery on Tuesday and see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. =D Whee.

User Comments: [7]
Kiro Kurai
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 04:01am
....Okay...that was odd....
And you insult us americans! No wonder my friend wants to blow up Canada....
Umm...I said nothing! *ninja smoke bomb*

comment Commented on: Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 08:37pm

Nice translation..veerrry long journal domokun

Wow you talk about alot of things at once XD

Sooo much information..@.@

Community Member
Eternal Nitemare
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 11:27pm
Another well done journal entry by Mekura Sachi. You never stop amazing me. XD
You get to see charlie and the chocolate factory?!?!?!? You Lucky duck!!! >=O I want to see that movie! .... -puts a bomb in your pants- ...

doodee doo...---walks away whistling- ninja whee xd

comment Commented on: Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 04:37am
Wow. I like, totally agree!!!!! Like, Patchaaa! 4laugh XDD

En...bomb in pants? eek

Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 08:03am
O.o Holy shiznit that was long.
And I agree ^^

Ahem, may i quote from the song "Cookie Jar - by Jack Johnson"
(awesome guy, that Jack; excellent meaningful lyrics)

I would turn on the TV
but it's so embarassing
to see all the other people
I don't know what they mean
and it was magic at first
when they spoke without sound
but now this world is gonna hurt
you better turn that thing down
Turn it around

Well it wasn't me says the boy with the gun
sure i pulled the trigger but it needed to be done
because life's been killin' me ever since it begun
you cant blame me cause i'm too young

You cant blame me, sure the killer was my son
but I didn't teach him to pull the trigger of the gun
It's the killing on his TV screen
You can't blame me, it's those images he seen

You can't blame me says the media man
Well I wasn't the one that came up with the plan
and I just point my camera what the people wanna see
man it's a two way mirror and you can't blame me

You can't blame me says the singer of the song
or the maker of the movie which he based his life on
It's only entertainment and as anyone can see
it's smoke machines and make-up, man, you can't fool me

It was you
it was me
it was every man
We all got the blood on our hands
we only receive what we demand
And if we want hell then hell is what well have

And I would turn on the TV
but it's so embarassing
to see all the other people
don't even know what they mean
and it was magic at first
but let every one down
Now this world's gonna hurt
You better turn it around
turn it around

comment Commented on: Thu Aug 04, 2005 @ 06:10am
Ah thanks everyone. ^o^

o.o *large explosion*

>o< MY PANTS! *gets a paper bag* >o< Paper Bags come useful when bombs are implode in your pants. =D

Hee at least someone agrees with me. *evil stare at Kiro* Ya see Kiro! *pokes Kiro* I am right so...Meh! *sticks out tounge*

Aha Cookie Jar.

Yes blood is bad, and people who sing are good. =D So let us all be merry. >o< I don't like blood. ;-;

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
Ushitora Nagakura
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sun Aug 14, 2005 @ 02:40pm
If you worked on your sentence and paragraph structure, you'd make a much more excellent role-player.

User Comments: [7]
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