Oghams, Faerie Divination
Oghams, Second Aicme
Huathe---Hawthorn or Whitethorn
Lord of Balance
Deities: Olwen, Goddess of Spring and Renewal.
Magickal Use: Hedges. Magickal protection.
Attributes: Color: Purple. Class: Peasant. Herb: Primrose. Animal: Goat,
Dragonfly, Dragon.
Tree: In Ireland, the Hawthorn grows around and over wells, and these are the
object of certain folk rites involving the tearing of one's clothing and
hanging the shreds on the branches. It is said that the destruction of a
Hawthorn Bush will bring about disaster for the one responsible. In Keltic
lore, Hawthorn bushes are entrances to the magickal Otherworld. Their fearsome
thorns make them powerful symbols of protection. There is another aspect to
this tree for the white blossoms of the Hawthorn are the symbol of female
sexual power. Their scent is that of the Flower Maiden Herself. This Ogham is
the power of magickal sexuality, the creative union of male and female.
Expression: The Hawthorn represents the protective doorway to the Otherworld.
It has a destructive form when either the powers of enchantment are abused or
the Faery Kingdom disturbed. This often brings misfortune to the unwary
traveller. To tamper with the powers of the Otherworld in a negative fashion
will always bring misfortune. However, this Ogham has a positive side as well.
It is also the Flower Maiden awaiting her union with the Green Lord. He waits
unseen in the flourishing greenwoods. This is the power of magickal sexuality,
the creative union of male and female. It is the raw power of love which
attracts two (often opposing) forces together.
Divination: Huathe in its positive aspect portends a reward for past actions.
There will be an encounter with the positive things in life, the inhabitants of
the Otherworld, and the Faery Folk. The power of this Ogham is the doorway to
their underground kingdom full of riches and gold. An inner search for
happiness may occur, much like a traveller's journey into the Underground
Kingdoms of the Lord and Lady of the Faeries. You will begin to fully realize
your human potential. The active forces of life are at their greatest power
now. Stimulation and positive energies are entering your life. There may be an
encounter with the power of love and lust in all its forms. There will be a
discovery of the ties that bind two people together in a harmonious union. Now
is a time of love, sexuality, and erotic pleasures.
The Challenge of the Hawthorn Ogham in its negative aspect is the misfortune
that arises from past careless behavior. You may have taken too much time to
"smell the roses" and disaster has occurred. There may also be the tendency to
rush ahead too quickly and not enjoy time with loved ones. There is a need for
gestation and patience, and the discovery of spiritual value. No positive
changes will occur because of a lack of stimulus and sexual boredom.
Intellectual and physical sterility are a danger. Unfullfilling love affairs,
or obsessive eroticism may cause distress. There may be enforced inactivity,
which will eventually give rise to new opportunities. Be wary of secretly be
sabotaging your own efforts due to a lack of self-esteem and a sense of
The Oak King
Deities: Lugh, God of the Sun and Light. The Thunder God. The
Magickal Use: Doors. Building timber. Cleansing. Strengthening.
Attributes: The moon month of Duir extends from June 10 to July 7, containing
the high point of the year, the Summer Solstice, esoterically known as the door
of the year; the day on which the Oak King was burned alive. Color: Black, and
Dark Brown. Class: Chieftain. Herb: Mistletoe. Animal: White Horse, Lion,
Tree: The Oak is the tree of endurance and triumph, and it is said to "court
the lightning flash." Its roots are said to extend as deep underground as its
branches rise into the air, which makes it emblematic of a God whose law runs
both in the Upperworld and in the Underworld. It was one of the most sacred
trees to the Druids, who gave particular attention to its parasite, the
mistletoe. At the winter season, the mistletoe could be found hanging
throughout its branches. The Oak symbolized life, endurance, and strength, and
the Mistletoe, though beautiful, is poisonous; thus the combination was that of
Life and Death. It was once thought that the Bard or Druid could gain special
inspiration by eating the acorns of and Oak. Oak Groves were most often used
for magickal and divinatory workings by both the Druids and Witches of Ireland.
Its name has to do with hardness and steadfastness as it is derived from the
root word deru, which means to be firm and steadfast. This root word also gives
us the words tree, truth, and troth. The Oak can reach a great age and an
enormous size. King Arthur's Round Table at Winchester was cut from a single
slice of an Oak tree.
Expression: Oak is a sign of strength and endurance. It is the power needed to
overcome all tests- even if the tests prove too great, the power of the Oak
will make a victor of the one who knows how to tap into its pool. The Oak is a
gateway to inner realms, a sign that reveals the truth in a very brutal, cold,
and honest manner. This revelation gives strength and vision to the person who
would try to see beyond the horizons of time both into the dim past and into
the far future. In fact, the Oak (as a sign for the balanced) empowers
synthesis of all opposites. The Oak is also the doorway to Midsummer, when the
power of the sun is at its greatest.
Divination: Duir advises that strength and endurance are yours in the
situation. Certainty and security saturate everything that you do. Personal
will-power and strength is available to face a difficult situation. You should
look to that strength to gain vision in order to overcome all obstacles. You
may be called upon to defend what is rightfully yours. Virile, positive
influences are at work in your life. Doubt and insecurity are things of the
past. There may also be some indication of your role as a leader or of
fulfilling an executive position. A gateway to new understanding is opening if
you will be strong and truthful.
The Challenge of the Oak Ogham is the need to pull courage and strength from
within when it seems that those forces have been exhausted. Lack of courage and
energy or loss of will and persistence will bring closed doors as well as
obstacles which seem to be very obvious. There is a need to assert oneself and
exert full authority over a situation. Also, there is a need for protection, a
need to shelter yourself so that strengthening can take place. You may be
pursued by unwanted and undesirable forces or persons- but strength and
endurance must be drawn from the Oak.
The Holly King
Deities: Govannon, Smith God and Brewer.
Magickal Use: Clubs. Chariot Wheels. Charcoal.
Attributes: Color: Dark Grey. Class: Peasant. Herb: Aconite (Monk's Hood).
Animal: War Hound, War Horse.
Tree: The Green Knight is said to have a club made of Holly wood. Holly was
often used for the construction of chariot shafts. The chariot was the chief
vehicle of the ancient Keltic Warrior. In lore, the Holly and Oak form sort of
a twin pair. Throughout the year, the Holly and Oak Kings would slay each other
in turn as the season passed from summer to winter to summer again. Twinning
the Holly and Oak may indeed have its roots in Oghamic Lore in that it may be
linguistically based. The T and D sounds are really variants of one another.
This is the kind of lore important to poets, bards, and other practitioners of
verbal magick.
Expression: Holly is a sign of the winter months when the cold and bitter tests
Mother Nature herself. It is also a sign of revenge or vengeance taken for
wrongs done to someone or to one's self, or to one's family or loved ones. As a
sign of perfect balance, it is that force which will act in retribution for
actions done. Thus the Holly is a sign of justice and retribution. Just as the
Oak King slays his brother in the summer, the Holly King returns the gesture in
the autumn each year.
Divination: Tinne indicates that challenges and testing ordeals are on the way.
You are to be as the Holly is: steadfast in adversity, remaining green and
vital during the hardships and bitter cold of winter. You need to face life's
challenges with the energy of a warrior. Even in adversity, your strength will
increase. There is a directed balance and a capacity to unify two sides of a
question or problem. There is the need to regain balance of some sort. Often
retribution plays a key role in this Ogham, as the old law states "an eye for
an eye." To maintain this balance, an act must be returned for another act.
Good begets good and evil begets evil. With a sense of justice, you can
overcome all harmful influences. There may be some legal or money matters in
the offing.
The Challenge of the Holly Ogham is that there is a lack of direction or
balance, and that you might be at present unequipped to deal with present
hardships or challenges. There may be a lack of balance in your life or justice
may not be served. A harmful act may go without vengeance or a benevolent act
may go without the proper thanks. There is a need for more knowledge, perhaps,
but certainly the need to communicate your ideas as well effectively. Someone
is being overwhelmed by the lust of revenge. Fear and cowardice are holding you
back. Self-doubt leads to unwillingness to weed out your own weaknesses.
Avoidance with the just truth. There may also be problems with aggressiveness.
The Divine Sage
Deities: Manannan MacLir, God of the Otherworld Seas. LLyr, Lord of the Seas.
Magickal Use: Dowsing Rods. Druid Wands.
Attributes: Color: Brown. Class: Chieftain. Herb: Bullrush. Animal: Salmon.
Tree: The sound of the Hazel Nuts falling into water is said to make the most
beautiful music ever heard. In one myth, five Hazel Nuts fell into a pool of
water where five salmon eat the fruit of the nut and send the shells down five
streams leading from the pool. This is the Spring of Knowledge out of which
flow the streams of the five senses through which knowledge is obtained. To
become one of the "people of many arts," one must drink both directly from the
spring as well as from the streams, according to Manannan mac Lir, Lord of the
Otherworld Seas. The Hazel is the tree used by benevolent Witches and
Expression: The Hazel Nuts of Wisdom are symbolic of inspired creative
consciousness, clear perception, understanding, and the development of the
wisdom within ourselves. Leaps of creativity and intuition are possible in
everyday life. Hazel represents the distillation of the pure and concentrated
essence of anything, especially knowledge. It is from this ultimate source or
spring that creative energy is produced. It is the essence of all truth and
Divination: Coll indicates that you should concentrate on understanding the
world around you, as well as how to creatively express this understanding.
Creative perception brings immediate understanding. You soon will understand
underlying causes of events in your life. You mind is now receptive to
Otherworldly sources of wisdom. Activities in literary, poetic, or scientific
nature will be inspired. New understanding of the inner and outer worlds.
Creative energies for projects or work are available. Coll says that you should
search for the source of all things. There is mastery and skill being directed
in a conscious way. Also, the ways and means may come in quite unexpected ways,
allowing you to see things in a new way. Also, you will either help someone
gain understanding, or you will soon be the recipient of such teachings from
someone else.
The Challenge of the Hazel Ogham is that there may be a tendency not to follow
wisdom, and understanding, and as a result creativity may be blocked. Do not
fight the conformity of established wisdom. Unwise thoughts and actions are a
possibility. There will be a dissolution of talent and ability. There may be
darkness, lack of knowledge, and misunderstanding. Suppression of conscious
wisdom may lead to failure. You may be blocked by fear of failure from within,
there may be restrictions imposed from the outside, or your creative outlets
may become blocked. Beware of the refusal to recognize and predict underlying
patterns. Empty intellectualism and uninspired, over-cerebral thinking may
block creative expression.
Cerridwen of the Otherworld
Deities: Cerridwen, Underworld Goddess of Rebirth and Enlightenment.
Magickal Use: Fruits. Cider.
Attributes: Color: Mouse Colored, or Green. Class: Shrub. Herb: Wild
Strawberry. Animal: Unicorn.
Tree: In Keltic myth, the Apple is associated with the Otherworld in the form
of Avalon- the Island of Apples. They are the fruit of the Otherworld providing
healing, regeneration, and eternal life to both the Gods and humankind. King
Arthur was ferried to the Island of Apples to heal his wounds of battle. In
another myth, a Warrior (Manannan mac Lir) had a silver branch from which hung
three golden apples. This branch, called Craebh Ciuil in Irish, made sweet
music which inspired joy. It could heal the sick, and it could cause people to
go to sleep if it were shaken towards them. When cut crosswise, the fivefold
pattern of a pentagram is revealed.
Expression: Apple has the power to heal the wounded, in both body and mind. It
is the shelter of wild animals and a sign of those who have gone mad (wild)
because of visions of their own deaths. It is a vital link to the Underworld,
and the depths of its fruit can only be enjoyed by those strong enough to
withstand its sometimes subtle terrors. It is a sign of beauty, immortality,
and eternity, a kind of eternal perfection and symmetry. The Apple indicates
eternal youthfulness and vitality even beyond death.
Divination: Quert portends a period of recovery, regeneration, and true
healing. A period of depression may be due to end and a better, restorative
phase is about to begin. Through rest and nourishment you can renew yourself.
It advises you to live fully and to seek beauty and perfection in all that you
do. Efforts should be balanced, yet full of vigor. Beauty and perfection are
sought and discovered. A healthy skepticism must be maintained, however. A
lover may be the key to your quest. Inspirational magickal power may be
utilized and the transformative power of love experienced. The Apple augurs a
choice of some kind. Choose wisely, for the effects of the decision will be
felt in the long-term.
The Challenge of the Apple Ogham is often pain, psychological and physical, or
a relapse into depression. There is a dangerous lack of contact with
regenerative powers, and unhealed wounds (physical, psychic, and emotional)
could become a threat. Unhappiness in love is apparent. There may be an
inability to cope with one's mortality. Beware of the tendency to split
attention. Energy may tend to be scattered, loyalties may be split off and one
has a tendency to try to do too much at once. You are not able to choose wisely
between many options. The challenge is to chose only one. Delusions could also
pose a danger.
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