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Fanimentasia Blessed be to one and all this is my Electronic Book of Shadows Please Use Caution When perfroming Exercises as Well as remember at all times you are responsible and therefore liable of only yourself and your actions nobody else. However I hope you E

Community Member

-This Consecration Rite is best conducted by oneself in some place of solitude,
preferably in the wilderness. You may prefer to carve or paint the proper oghams
or symbols on your Talisman before or during the Rite.

-Go to the place you have chosen and spend some time in quiet contemplation of
that which you wish to accomplish. Think over all aspects of your problem.

-After you are sure of your purpose and have a specific objective, say:

Cool Sky Faerie, Warm Sun Sprite, Lake Nixies, River Spirits,
Far Land Pixies, Great Mountain Elves, I ask of your witness to my Rite.

-Look to the sky and say:

Light Lord and Silver Huntress of the Faeries,
Horned Hunter and Earth Lady of the Faeries,
Dark Lord and Dark Empress of the Faeries,
Look Favorably upon that which I do here,
grant my petitions, if they harm no one,
carry my wishes to the Faerie Gods,
that I may ever be your friend and companion.

-Bring forth the Talisman, or if you desire to make it, now is the time to do
so. If you wish, it is traditional to place the runes or symbols on one side and
your Magickal Name on the other side. Most importantly, do what feels magickal
to you.

-When your Talisman is ready, [sprinkle it with water and] hold it up to the Sky

Faeries of the Sky, Sun, Water, and Land,
Mark well what I have done here,
Under the eyes of the Spirits of the Other Realms,
I call upon the Powers to work for me,
To bring to pass that which I have symbolized,
With this Energized Talisman.
-State in your own words that which you wish to accomplish. it is vital that it
is from the heart, not written. Then state:

High Ones of the Land and Sea,
Blessed Ones of the Nemeton and Grove,
You have heard that which is my need,
And my desire. I petition your powers
That this be done. May the Energies of
The Skies, Sun, Water, and Land,
Work as symbolic guides for so long as
is needed, until all is accomplished.

-If you feel it is proper to make any special vow before the Faeries, any
promise that you will make or price that you will pay for accomplishment of your
need, then now is the time to specify it before Nature and the Divine Lords and
Ladies. Then close by saying:

Great Gods and Goddesses of the Fey,
Grant, I ask, that which I have requested,
that my powers may be increased, and so yours
As well, upon this Earth.

-Salute the Mighty Ones and in your own way depart. The Talisman should be worn
or kept on your person. When you sleep it should be next to you.

-For so long as you use the Talisman, it is well to recharge and renew it using
this latter invocation and (1) holding it up to the light of each Full Moon, and
by (2) cleansing it each Dark Moon.

Faerie Consecration Rite

-This Consecration Rite is best conducted by oneself in some place of solitude,
preferably in the wilderness. You may prefer to carve or paint the proper
oghams or symbols on your Talisman before or during the Rite.

-Go to the place you have chosen and spend some time in quiet contemplation of
that which you wish to accomplish. Think over all aspects of your problem.

-After you are sure of your purpose and have a specific objective, say:

Cool Sky Faerie, Warm Sun Sprite, Lake Nixies, River Spirits,

Far Land Pixies, Great Mountain Elves, I ask of your witness to my Rite.

-Look to the sky and say:

Light Lord and Silver Huntress of the Faeries,

Horned Hunter and Earth Lady of the Faeries,

Dark Lord and Dark Empress of the Faeries,

Look Favorably upon that which I do here,

grant my petitions, if they harm no one,

carry my wishes to the Faerie Gods,

that I may ever be your friend and companion.

-Bring forth the Talisman, or if you desire to make it, now is the time to do
so. If you wish, it is traditional to place the runes or symbols on one side
and your Magickal Name on the other side. Most importantly, do what feels
magickal to you.

-When your Talisman is ready, [sprinkle it with water and] hold it up to the
Sky saying:

Faeries of the Sky, Sun, Water, and Land,

Mark well what I have done here,

Under the eyes of the Spirits of the Other Realms,

I call upon the Powers to work for me,

To bring to pass that which I have symbolized,

With this Energized Talisman.

-State in your own words that which you wish to accomplish. it is vital that it
is from the heart, not written. Then state:

High Ones of the Land and Sea,

Blessed Ones of the Nemeton and Grove,

You have heard that which is my need,

And my desire. I petition your powers

That this be done. May the Energies of

The Skies, Sun, Water, and Land,

Work as symbolic guides for so long as

is needed, until all is accomplished.

-If you feel it is proper to make any special vow before the Faeries, any
promise that you will make or price that you will pay for accomplishment of
your need, then now is the time to specify it before Nature and the Divine
Lords and Ladies. Then close by saying:

Great Gods and Goddesses of the Fey,

Grant, I ask, that which I have requested,

that my powers may be increased, and so yours

As well, upon this Earth.

-Salute the Mighty Ones and in your own way depart. The Talisman should be worn
or kept on your person. When you sleep it should be next to you.

-For so long as you use the Talisman, it is well to recharge and renew it using
this latter invocation and (1) holding it up to the light of each Full Moon,
and by (2) cleansing it each Dark Moon.

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