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Fanimentasia Blessed be to one and all this is my Electronic Book of Shadows Please Use Caution When perfroming Exercises as Well as remember at all times you are responsible and therefore liable of only yourself and your actions nobody else. However I hope you E

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fairy divination~ part 1
Oghams, Faerie Divination

Oghams, First Aicme


The Birch Twig


Deities: The White Goddess. Belin, the God of Beltene.

Magickal Use: Making Ogham staves. Candles. Broomsticks. Yule Logs. Besom
Twigs. Birth. Beginnings. Healer of Skin and Joints.

Attributes: The moon month of Beth extends from December 24 to January 20,
fixing its day just after the Winter Solstice, the Midwinter day of
purification and renewal. Color: White. Class: Peasant. Herb: Fly Agaric
Mushroom. Animal: White Cow.

Tree: The Birch tree is known for its beauty and splendour in the early spring,
when its white bark shines through its splendid green leaves. The image of
white shining through green is an archetypal vision of the Otherworld. In
Keltic myth, when a human is seen wearing a green garment with white skin
showing through it, it is a sure sign that the person is of the Otherworld. It
is said that the Birch can protect one from being carried off to the Sidhe, or
Otherworld. The Birch is also the tree of new beginnings. Birch rods were used
in rituals for driving out the spirit of the old year, and in ceremonies for
expelling evil spirits. New Birch trees can grow from twigs that have fallen
from a parent tree. It was the first tree to grow again in the Keltic lands
after the last Ice Age. It is the tree of purification, birth, and renewal. In
Keltic lore, the first Oghams were carved upon a pure white branch of Birch.

Expression: Birch deals with new beginnings and the inception or birth of
things. The Birch tree contains the life-giving power of the Earth Goddess and
the Lady of the Greenwood. This vitality causes the birth of all things in
spring each year. The energizing and vitalizing effect of this power also
provides for a cleansing aspect of the Birch. It has the power to drive out
evil or corruptive influences by means of its eternally vital life force. This
is the original reason why Birch was used as an instrument in flagellant
fertility rites.

Divination: Beth tells of the vitality present to give birth to new beginnings
gradual changes. Prepare for positive growth to begin in your life from a
previously unapparent source. New things are going to begin. Greater things
will come from small beginnings. If not much is happening now, have faith that
a new phase of activity will be coming soon. Well-being and prosperity are on
the way. There is great strength and resilience deep within you. Unseen forces
of growth and change are at work. There may be choices to make concerning in
which direction one may need to grow. You need to avoid problems in the early
stages of something. Begin to realize the new and good by shearing away the old
and detrimental. Clear away all obstructions to make way for new events to take
their course. Prepare for purification to occur in your life.

The Challenge of the Birch Ogham is the lack of energy and vitality needed to
cause positive changes and beginnings to occur. There will be the need to deal
with constant change and loss of familiar things as time goes on. You must
learn to trust and to loose this fear of the unknown. There may be small
difficulties in making a start, or a lack of drive. Enthusiasm may be hindered
by circumstances. Failing to grow may occur due to internal negativity and
negative thinking.

Luis---Rowan (Quicken)

The Great Mother Goddess


Deities: Brighid, Goddess of Springtime, Youth, and Fertility. The River

Magickal Use: Magickal protection.

Attributes: Color: Grey. Class: Peasant. Herb: Yarrow. Animal: Unicorn, Bear.

Tree: The Rowan tree (also Quicken, Quickbeam, or Mountain Ash) has a powerful
reputation in magick and divination. It is a tree which protects against chaos
and destruction. Rowan wood is widely used as a magickal substance for
protection from lightning and from malevolent enchantments. Before a battle,
the Druids of old are said to have kindles fires of Rowan wood and spoken
incantations over them in order to invite the inhabitants of the Sidhe to take
part in their fight. Also, the Silver Branch carried by the Druids in honor of
the Goddess was from the Rowan tree. "Quickbeam" means "living wood" in archaic
modern English. Rowan berries are one of the "Foods of the Gods."

Expression: The Rowan gives special insight and foreknowledge, therefore it can
be seen as a tree of protection against enchantments. It provides forewarnings
against such enchantments, which may most practically be seen as any influence
having its origins outside ourselves and of which we are not aware. It provides
a magickal shield to protect against any negative or potentially harmful
energies. The Rowan is the power that nourishes as well as protects.

Divination: Luis indicates that there is the need to get rid of bad influences
and become surrounded by a more caring atmosphere. Guarding, nourishing and
strengthening power will become available. This tree provides a temporary
shield for one to regain strength and heal wounds. Within this protection,
constructive and creative powers will become more powerful. Artistic, poetic,
and intellectual work will be more important. Luis indicates that there may be
a period of healing and recovery during a struggle. Take heart, as any
destruction you encounter will only be temporary. You are to look within and
seek for the insight necessary to overcome your problems. It portends that the
inner vitality necessary to gain this insight is available, if you know how and
where to look. Luis describes a vast sea of flooding vitality and inner
nurturing waiting to be tapped.

The Challenge of the Rowan Ogham is the lack of a protective atmosphere that is
much needed. Without a protective and nurturing environment, the spirit becomes
exhausted and weak against attacks of stress. There is difficulty in defending
oneself against harmful things. Or, on the other extreme, one may be within the
grasp of a power which is over-protective. Chaos appears to have the upper
hand, and constructive activity is blocked. There may also be weakness and a
gloomy outlook.


The World Tree


Deities: Gwydion, God of Writing, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Lugh, God of the Sun
and Light.

Magickal Use: Wands. Spears. Lintels. Besom Stake.

Attributes: Color: Clear. Class: Chieftain. Herb: Magick Mushroom. Animal:

Tree: The Ash is a very magickal tree. It is the Cosmic Axis which links the
three planes of being: the Under, Middle, and Upper Worlds. The World tree is
the soul of the Universe that shamans use to ascend or descend into other
worlds. It has been used in the formulation of many medicines. This tree's wood
was also most often used in the construction of spears in ancient times. The
Ash is a tree of some cosmological importance because of the symbolism of its
curious compound leaf formation: two or four pairs of leaves tipped by a single
leaf, so the large compound leaf contains either five or nine total leaflets.

Expression: From this Tree, the Great Ash, we can see the world and our lives
from a broader perspective. It makes us able to function in the deep, watery
places: in the Realm of the Underworlds (unconscious). It makes us able to
function in the high, airy places: in the Realm of the Upperworlds (conscious).
It is our flexible psychic strength. It is the weave of fate and the guardian
of peace. From it we gain the intelligence and knowledge we need to act. It is
also the link between the inner and outer, the upper and lower worlds. Its
fivefold pattern reflects the cosmos. From this map, we derive our link with
cosmological wisdom.

Divination: Nion implies the need to take care to see things in their larger
context, to see the bigger picture. It is the link that we have with our higher
self, who is above mundane matters and can see our lives from a different
perspective. Try to get a clear overview of things. Once in a while we need to
stop for a moment and get an overview of past actions so that we may become
aware of their possible outcomes. Note how all actions have their reactions in
the world, and note how you affect the world through your actions- both
physical and spiritual. This awareness tends to remove doubt, fear and
confusion. There is the need to take bold actions when action is called for. A
time of conscious effort may need to begin. Though and study will awaken the

The Challenge of the Ash Ogham is the inability to see things, people, and
events in a larger and more universal perspective. There may be determination
of influences beyond the personal sphere of perception. There may be feelings
of being bound or locked into a chain of events as a result of a lack of
awareness and an inability to communicate. Ignorance and stupidity may be
bringing the delusion, confusion and/or instability. Things are not always what
they seem and you must be perceptive enough to discern that which is true and
that which is false. There is a tendency to split off from the environment,
toward social or psychological isolation, and to be cut off from the world.
Without a clear overview, one may not know which actions to take, and which may
or may not be appropriate for the situation.



Foundation-Inner Strength-Principles

Deities: Bran the Blessed.

Magickal Use: Foundations. Red Dye. Magick Whistles. Charcoal.

Attributes: Color: Crimson. Class: Chieftain. Herb: Hartstongue Fern. Animal:
Red Fox, Stallion, Ram.

Tree: Alder is a wood which resists the decaying or corrupting effects of
water. It is thought that the tree contains a fiery energy, and it is for this
mysterious reason that it is able to resist water so well. The tree has the
curious property of having white wood when first cut from which a red sap runs.
This makes it appear to be a wounded man.

Expression: Alder implies that you may gain a great strength in any contentious
situation by standing on your foundation: your own inner self and your own
strong underlying principles. This Ogham is relentless and determined in its
power. It indicates the very founding principles of all tradition. It tells you
to remain steadfast in what you know to be true to your inner self and your
principles- the foundation of your knowledge and being. If you are unsure of
what these founding principles are, Fearn indicates that you should
passionately seek your true inner self.

Divination: As an oracle, Fearn carries the connotation of listening to one's
inner voice as a means to make decisions, create stability, and plan for the
future. Now is not the time to rely on the opinions, thoughts, and feelings of
others. Remain open, listen to your inner voice, make yourself open to your
creative side, and you could gain the inner guidance needed for overcoming any
problems. When all voices on the outside are harsh, listen to the kind voice
within. There may be the need to keep a youthful approach. Music and poetry may
be involved. In order to make a decision, you will receive the help you need
from deep within yourself. Receive spiritual guidance only from your own inner

The Challenge of the Alder Ogham is not being aware of what your inner voice is
trying to tell you. You are being overly influenced by forces outside yourself.
There is a loss of contact with the inner voice and insight. You may encounter
inner feelings of doubt, and you may tend to be overextending yourself. There
may be danger and dispute, and you need to have the knowledge of when to remain
steadfast and when to allow and encourage change in life. You may not have the
beliefs and principles needed to make this decision. This comes from a lack of
connectedness with one's true inner self. You may also have a tendency to fear
defeat to such an extent that your courage is impaired. Not being open to
events brings inner blockages. You are in an uninspired state, unable to take
heed of your inner voice and there may also be a lack of direction.


Arianrhod, The Silver Moon

Intuition-Emotion-Hidden Influences

Deities: The Moon Goddess.

Magickal Use: Wands. Baskets. Wattles. Binding Besoms.

Attributes: Color: Bright, or Fiery. Class: Peasant. Herb: Moonwort. Animal:
Hare, Cat.

Tree: The Willow is a tree fond of watery places. Because of this, it is
associated with the powers of the moon, emotion, and with divine figures who
correspond to the moon. It was the tree sacred to the Greek Moon Goddess
Hecate. Branches of Willow are often used as divining rods- especially for
"water witching." The traditional Witches Besom is made of three woods: Birch
twigs for the broom itself, Willow to bind them together and to hold them to an
Ash stake. Willow has several medicinal uses as well, often to relieve ills
caused by malevolent magick.

Expression: The Willow is a sign of intuition, Emotion, the unconscious, and
sometimes deception. It is the unfoldment of psychic powers. In the Willow is
the gift of cunning- of the skillful and subtle use of mental powers to have
your aims met. It is also the upsurge and power of raw emotions, rising and
falling as the moon does in her course over the month.

Divination: Saille indicates that there may be unforeseen emotions, and
passions, influencing you (or those you love). Now is a time of enchantment and
magick. You have something to learn from hidden influences, emotions, or an
unknown person. There may be a dip in the deep dark pool of your own
subconscious. To get a clearer view of events, things or people, use your
emotion and intuition rather than cold logic. This lesson may be pleasant or
unpleasant, but it will be of great benefit. Dormant abilities and emotions are
awakening. You are urged to seek out the hidden influences in your life. You
have the emotional flexibility needed to adapt to changes.

The Challenge of the Willow Ogham is the tendency to ignore the unconscious,
the emotions, or the hidden aspects of the personality. Loss of intuition may
lead to rigid attitudes about life. Or, on the other hand, the emotions or
unconscious message may be too strong and undermine attempts at success. In
either case, you need to get in touch with your emotions rather than suppress
or over express them. You may be ignorant of an important aspect of yourself
which remains hidden and cries to become known. Or you may be attempting to use
logic in a situation where it is necessary to rely on emotions. When the
intuition and emotions are not fully used to the extent of their powers,
fluctuations may not be dealt with successfully. Also, relationships between
sexes may be full of misunderstandings.

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