"And now the sun shone fiercely down, and the riders passed into a golden haze
in which Oisin lost all knowledge of where he was or if a sea or dry land were
beneath his horse's hoofs. But strange sights sometimes appeared to them in the
mist, for towers and palace gateways loomed up and disappeared, and once a
hornless doe bounded by them chased by a white hound with one red ear; and
again, they saw a young maid ride by on a brown steed, bearing a golden apple in
her hand, and close behind her followed a young horseman on a white steed, a
purple cloak floating at this back and a gold-hilted sword in his hand. And
Oisin would have asked the Faerie princess who and what these apparitions were,
but Niamdh bade him ask nothing nor seem to notice any phantom until they came
to the Land of Youth."
--T.W. Rolleston
Faerie mounds exist in both the human world and the Faerie would at once. In our
world they look like green manmade hills, "hollow hills", which sometimes open
to provide passage to the Otherworld.
The Elves of legend were thought to have great halls underneath these barrows.
These Elven dwellings were collectively called Underhill. Within the hollow
hills great Courts of old were held with feasting and revelry.
Mortals are sometimes taken into these underground estates, especially if they
were thought to be a great Artist, Poet or Musician. There, these mortals would
not age a single day.
The tale of King Orfeo offers and excellent glimpse into the naure of those of
Underhill and the Faerie Realms in general. Four days in the year are known for
their power to bring the Otherworld and the Mortal world close, thus allowing
travel between them: May Day, Belatine, Beltane (May 1st), Lugnassadh (August
1st), Samhain (Halloween, Ocotber 31st) and Brigid, Imbolc (February 2nd).
In this story, all the "Between times" are present: King Orfeo's wife, Meroudys,
sleeps under a ymp (or grafted) tree, thus it is neither one tree or another but
has parts of two. The King of Underhill take Meroudys for a visit to his Realm
at twilight, being neither day nor night. This story incorporates many themes of
Faeire: such as the Between Times, the Faerie love for music, and Faerie honor
among its "Nobility".
Water plays a crucial role in discovering other places of Faerie. Underneath the
lakes and the oceans sailors reported vast underwater cities and Kingdoms. In
Arthurian Legend, the Lady of the Lake dwelt within the calm waters of a serene
and mist-filled lake. Also, upon his fatal wounding, Arthur himself was taken to
the mystical isle of Avalon.
From the crystal palaces and underwater kingdoms we turn toward another favored
Faerie haunt; the forest. It is there where travelers often hear the music of
the Faerie Round; a ring dance of the common forest-dwelling Folk that is often
performed in both their world and our own. "Faerie Rings", dark circles of grass
in lighter grass, or rings of mushrooms, are the signs of the wild revelry under
the stars. Often mortals are enticed into the dancing for a night to step form
the Round to find that a hundred years have passed in their own world.
And a flute off far lead me on again
And the laughter fell like Silver Rain
Led me through the gray-trunked walls
Whose golden leave did never fall
Not even in Winter deep.
--Amalthea of the Children of Twilight
Welcome to the Enchanted Wood. It is here, in the tangles of branches and
softness of moss where most secretive of the Faerie live.
Many things may lie in the turn of the path. Perhaps a cottage awaits where a
wise woman will teach you the secrets of her garden. Or perhaps you will find a
maiden enclosed within a coffin of glass, waiting in stillness for the touch of
lips upon her own. Or perhaps you will find a castle surrounded by briar.
It is within the forest that many adventures of Faerie begin. The strange mists
that filter through the stillness often form into vague shapes of beasts and
monsters, confusing and frightening the mortal traveler.
This place is a place of illusions, of voices and sounds and seeings that will
try to take the traveler from off her path, lead her into the forest, and make
her forever lost within. Perhaps she will remember to gather pebbles to drop
behind her as she investigates the strange and beautiful music that floats
through the air with the mist.
Hunting is a favored sport of the Faerie Nobility, who will often leave their
castles' halls of gold and crystal to hunt in the woods. Sometimes humans will
catch a glimpse of the Faerie Hunters' prey.
One of the most magical and coveted beasts within the forest is the Faerie
creature known as the White Hart.
The creature has the magical ability to lead all that see it on a chase, no
matter what other quest they were on at the time. However, no marksman or
huntsman, no matter how clever, could wound the magical beast. The White Hart
became an obsession with King Arthur. The stag itself is known for being the
King of the forest. This is yet another way for the mortal to step from the path
and into the enchanting powers of the Faerie.
By the moon we sport and play
With the night begins our day
As we dance, the dew doth fall
Trip it little urchins all
Lightly as the little Bee
Two by two and three by three
And about go wee, and about go wee.
--William Shakespeare: Midsummer's Night Dream
Perhaps the one experience that is common to all Faeries is the love of dancing.
The most common form the dance takes in within a ring or circle. It is ithe
dancing of the Faeries which leads to rings of toadstools and dark rings of
If a human steps within the Faerie Round he is compelled to dance with them for
as long as the dance lasts. As with any journey into the Land of Faerie, he may
not return for many years and find his children grown and his friends unable to
recognize him.
Many poor souls spend their time wandering in a listless, half-aware state,
searching for ways to return to Faerie where they may drink of the Faerie wine
and feel the ecstasy of the Dance once more.
Dance in the Circle
Out in the woods is a band of some faeries
Go singing and dancing at night
They're laughing and drinking
And soon you'll be thinking
That you'd come to join in their rite.
If they see you, know they'll entreat you
To come and join in their small friendly dance.
If you do then your soul will go too
You will lose it with no second chance.
But please come, join, dance in our Circle
Our voices will make your heart yearn
So please come, join, dance in our Circle
But know that you'll never return.
Meg Davis, "Dance in The Circle"
We have traveled upon the more regal and fanciful paths of the Faerie. The
creatures have seemed more of fancy then of nightmare. Yet the Shadows remain
within the deepest part of the Forest. There things take on a picture of horror.
But as with everything of Faerie, these creatures of terror and death still hold
a deep beauty that most of us cannot deny, though it may be our doom.
They are the ones that sing the Song of the Siren, seducing us into an embrace
which may be our doom.
We may never pass though the gate into our own world ever again. Look into the
Within the Shadows we are forced to look at a very chilling aspect of the Faerie
Realms; the Otherworld's association with death. There the certain Faeries that
are only found when death and chaos are near to be had. These are the Faeries
that man has come to fear.
More often then not, these beings have been classified as demons rather then
Faerie, as Christianity demonizes many of these Faeries associated with
seduction and death.
If the one that faces them is brave and open enough, she may know an ancient
truth; that death is only a part of life.
"There we stayed three nights. The first of which I was surprised by being laid
in a chamber, when, about one o'clock I heard a voice that wakened me. I drew
the curtain, and in the casement of the window, I saw, but the light of the
moon, a woman leaning into the window, through the casement, in white, with red
hair and pale and ghastly complexion; she screamed thrice, and then, with a sigh
more like the wind then breath, she vanished, and to me her body looked more
like a thick cloud then substance."
--Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe
Thus is a description of the Beansidhe, or commonly spelled "Banshee". The
Beansidhe's keening can be heard by a family at night prior to a death within on
of the members. Usually these Faeries are attached to a particular family or
locale. Their screams are thought to turn blood cold and make hair stand upon
The term Unseelie is translated into "unblessed" but more closely should be
thought of as "damned". Their forms are ugly, black and twisted, more in the
becoming of monsters then of Faeries.
The Unseelie Faeries are often seen as a massive dark cloud that rides within
the night sky. "The Host", as they are known, will snatch up undefended mortals
and enslave them.
If one hears their howls on the night wind, it is wise to seek protection from
the Court's malevolent nature.
Perhaps the one Faerie to evoke both desire and fear is the Leanan Sidhe. To
Learn more about her, we must step now into her traditional haunting grounds,
the Isle of Man.
Having viewed the wonders and terrors of Faerie, it is time now to depart. We
have only to find the Gate form which we came, pass through, and rise into our
own land once again.
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