-Standing before the altar, state:
As I came to this Circle in love and
friendship, Let me leave in the same
way. Let me spread the love I have known
here outward to all; Sharing it with
those I meet.
-Raising your tool in salute state:
I now ask the Elements to return to
their duties within nature. I thank them
for their attendance. I also thank them
for watching over me and my Circle
during these magick rites.
Lords and Ladies, Faeries, Elves, and Sprites,
My thanks to you for
sharing in this time with me. My thanks
for assisting me; Guarding and guiding
me in all things.
-For at least a moment, quietly contemplate that which has been accomplished.
-Face symbolic North, in the Goddess Position, and state:
Now the Magick Work is done
The Mystic Web has been woven
Of Mortal Mind, Heart, and Soul
Helpful to they who choose
to follow the Mighty Spirits
Baneful to they who choose
to oppose the Ancient Ones
-At this point undo the Circle Rite by reversing it.
-Grounding-If the energy built up by the entire operation is to be grounded, do
so by visualization (send it into the soil etc.).
-Sending-If the energy built up by the entire operation is to be sent, do so by
visualization (beam it away in a Light Ray etc.).
-Binding-If the energy built up by the entire operation is to bind, do so by
visualization (wrap it about the item etc.).
-Internalize-If the energy built up by the entire operation is to be
internalized, then do so by visualization (inhaling etc.).
-Other-If the energy built up by the entire process is to serve another purpose,
then do so by visualization.
-Split the Circle with your magickal item, or weapon, and step outside of the
Space saying:
This Circle is open,
But it never is broken!
![]() Ravinessa23 Community Member ![]() |