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Fanimentasia Blessed be to one and all this is my Electronic Book of Shadows Please Use Caution When perfroming Exercises as Well as remember at all times you are responsible and therefore liable of only yourself and your actions nobody else. However I hope you E

Community Member

Draw the Circle on the ground around the area you have chosen to work. It may be
nine feet in diameter, the diameter of your height, or any other diameter you
wish it to be. Place stones around the circle. You may use any number of
stones but remember that to the Fey, the number 3 is the most magickal of
numbers. Therefore, try using 6, 9, or any other multiple of 3. 13 stones may
also be used as it is a number sacred to the Goddesses.


This first part is optional

Hold your hands over the water and salt saying:

I ask the Water-Spirits to bless this water
I ask the Earth-Spirits to bless this salt

Drop some of the salt into the water, saying:

Almighty are the Ancient and Shining Ones

Walking clockwise around the circle, sprinkle the water-salt mixture around the

Hold your hands over the incense and burner saying:

I ask the Air-Spirits to bless this incense
I ask the Fire-Spirits to bless this burner

Light the incense saying:

Almighty are the Ancient and Shining Ones

Walking clockwise around the circle, allow the incense to cense around the edge.

With Magickal Dagger, etc., or your right hand face Symbolic North. Send the
Energies of your Spirit in a ring around you at chest level as far out as the
circle which is drawn on the ground or floor. The Energies should form a
complete band of color, ending back in front of you. Lift your arms to the sky
and say:

I now stand before the Universe
The Divine spark of life
Burns within my spirit,
And I am flawless
The Human spark of life
Burns within my soul, and I am flawed
Only when I recognize the existence of
Both Divine Spark and Human Spark
I am Whole and Complete

Stand in the center of your Circle, with your arms raised upward and outward,
the Goddess Position. Visualize a surrounding sphere of blue light with the
Rainbow Band at its equator in red. The Rainbow Band begins spinning and blurs
to form a vivid circle of power surrounding you. Then visualize the vertical
axis of light coming through your length from the infinite cosmos above and
below you.

Pause and mentally focus with the images you have brought into being.

Smile to the Sky, and Universe beyond, saying:

I now invite Energies of Other Realms
To witness and Defend this
Circle I inscribe upon the ground.
I proudly stand with honor before the
Gates of Realization and Manifestation.
May the Great Universal Spirits,
Be always within my heart.

Inscribe in the air to Symbolic North a symbol of earth. Visualize an earth
elemental (i.e. gnome) positioned there and say:

Spirit and Power of the Stones,
King and Queen of the Gnomes,
Spirit of the Pentacle,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,

Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic South a symbol of fire. Visualize a fire
elemental (i.e. fire faerie) positioned there and say:

Spirit and Power of the Blaze,
King and Queen of the Fire Faeries,
Spirit of the Wand,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,

Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic East a symbol of air. Visualize an air
elemental (i.e. wind elf) positioned there and say:

Spirit and Power of the Breeze,
King and Queen of the Wind Elves,
Spirit of the Sword,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,

Inscribe into the air to the Symbolic West a symbol of water. Visualize a water
elemental (i.e. Undine) positioned there and say:

Spirit and Power of the Wave,
King and Queen of the Undines,
Spirit of the Cup,
Defend and Witness this Rite,
Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,

Finally, center all the forces of the Circle by folding your arms (with your
fingers touching at the chest).

Hear me now, Powers of the Other World,
With an open heart, I invite
all the Friendly Spirits and Faeries,
To come to the edge of my Circle,
This Sacred Space, to participate
in the conversation between
the Goddess and God.
At the side of this Sacred Space
you are welcome.

Calm yourself and prepare for the magick you are about to perform. Finish by
strengthening the visualization of the Circle and saying:

Elemental Spirits of
Other Realms,
Guard and Shield me always!
Around me and Within me,
The Great Strength of the Gods
The Great Ideals of the Mysteries,
The Guardians of The Universe!

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