-Begin with a Circle Rite if you wish.
-Stand facing the altar with your arms spread, called the Goddess Position..
Center yourself in the Universe by saying:
The Mighty Spirits surround me, The Blaze at left, the Wave at right, The Stones
before, the Breeze behind The Light above, The Darkness below, I am the Heart of
the Mighty Ones! In the center of the Universe!
-Bring your hands together and cover your heart; feel it pulsating with life.
Visualize three rays of energetic colored light intersecting your body. A Red
Ray passes vertically through you. A Blue Ray passes horizontally through your
sides under your shoulders. A Yellow Ray passes horizontally through the center
of your chest and out your back. And where the three Rays intersect at your
heart, a bright White Star forms.
-This section of the Rite is optional. Dance lightly around the altar in a
sunwise direction. For every revolution you make about the altar, rotate on your
own axis three times. For each large Circle say:
Weave this Circle about me, Three times by Three times, Lift me from this
Earthly space, Show to me the Mighty Ones!
The Spiral Dance should create a slight dizziness. Visualize yourself high on a
hill in the wilderness with a Stone Altar before you, within a Circle of Trees.
-Note: the God and Goddess names are in this order: Faerie, Druidic, Irish and
Wales Celtic.
-Face the symbolic North with the altar behind you with your arms open in a
gesture of welcoming. Visualize the Dark Lord approaching. Speak His invocation:
Dark Lord of the Fey, Lord of Sacrifice and Death, Known to All by Many Names,
Gwynn ap Nudd of the Faerie Folk, Llyr of the Druids, Dhonn, Taranis, I petition
You, I request Your presence! By Your will descend upon this Circle, To Guide
and Protect me!
-Face the symbolic South with the altar behind you with your arms open in a
gesture of welcoming. Visualize the Horned Hunter, and Earth Lord, approaching.
Speak Their invocation:
Horned Hunter and Earth Lord of the Fey, Lord of Abundance and Sustenance, Known
to All by Many Names, Arawn of the Faerie Folk, Hu Gadarn of the Druids,
Cernunnos, Herne, I petition You! I request Your presence, By Your will descend
upon this Circle, To Guide and Protect me!
-Face the symbolic East with the altar behind you with your arms open in a
gesture of welcoming. Visualize the Earth Mother approaching. Speak Her
Earth Mother of the Fey, Lady of Fertility and Love, Known to All by Many Names,
Danann of the Faerie Folk, Epona of the Druids, Brigid, Arianrhod, I petition
You! I request Your presence! By Your will descend upon this Circle, To Guide
and Protect me!
-Face the symbolic West with the altar behind you with your arms open in a
gesture of welcoming. Visualize the Silver Huntress approaching. Speak Her
Silver Huntress of the Fey, Lady of Passion and Vengeance Known to All by Many
Names, Cliodna of the Faerie Folk, Branwen of the Druids, Danu, Blodeuwedd, I
petition You! I request Your presence! By Your will descend upon this Circle, To
Guide and Protect me!
-Face the altar with your arms open in a gesture of welcoming. Visualize the
Light Lord descending from above. Speak His invocation:
Light Lord of the Fey, Lord of Magick and Light, Known to All by Many Names,
Gwythyr of the Faerie Folk, Lleu of the Druids, Belenos, Bran, I petition You! I
request Your presence! By Your will descend upon this Circle, To Guide and
Protect me!
-Face the altar with your arms open in a gesture of welcoming. Visualize the
Dark Empress rising from below. Speak Her invocation:
Dark Lady of the Fey, Lady of Necromacy and Shadows, Known to All by Many Names,
Rhiannon of the Faerie Folk, Druantina of the Druids, Macha, Cerridwen, I
petition You! I request Your presence! By Your will descend upon this Circle, To
Guide and Protect me!
-Stand before the alter and the Mighty Divinities. Say:
Darkness into Light; Vice into Virtue, Deceit into Truth; Pain into Joy,
weakness into Strength! By the power of magick transform me! Open my inner eye
and let me see!
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