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Fanimentasia Blessed be to one and all this is my Electronic Book of Shadows Please Use Caution When perfroming Exercises as Well as remember at all times you are responsible and therefore liable of only yourself and your actions nobody else. However I hope you E

Community Member
Birth Stones

There are twelve signs of the zodiac; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

I am constantly being asked - during the course of my workshops and seminars -
to recommend an appropriate stone which corresponds to a particular birth sign.

In my experience the only accurate way in which to ascertain the correct
birthstone for any individual is for that person to visit a properly qualified
astrologist and for a detailed chart to be constructed based on the person's
place of birth, date of birth and the exact time of birth.

Any other method is too vague and generalized; and most certainly cannot
possibly be considered seriously!

A few years ago, to prove my theory, I carefully read as many books as I could
lay my hands on which contained information relating to the astrological use of

From all the information available I then compiled my own comprehensive list,
birthsign by birthsign, encompassing all the 'recommended' birthstones which
each book suggested would be appropriate for each sign of the zodiac.

When my task was completed I discovered that every birth-sign had at least nine
gemstones which, according to all the books, would be suitable for people being
born under that particular sign of the zodiac.....

However, using my own intuition, logic and a little common-sense, I managed to
produce the following chart which I find useful as a guide (and a guide only!)
when I am asked to recommend a particular gemstone for someone's birth-sign:

- jasper, ruby

- rose quartz, lapis lazuli, carnelian, sapphire

- citrine, rock crystal, tigers eye, agate, rutile quartz.

- olivine, emerald, moonstone

- quartz crystal, diamond, agate

- carnelian, agate, jasper, sapphire

- emerald, aventurine, jade, sapphire

- garnet, bloodstone, ruby, jasper, beryl

- topaz, jacinth, obsidian snowflake

- smoky quartz, ruby, onyx, jet

- turquoise, malachite, aquamarine, moonstone

- amethyst, opal, moonstone

Whilst it is always acceptable to give a friend - or your loved one - a
birthstone pendant or necklace, please remember that the stones that will work
best for you - or your friends - are the ones whose 'vibrational energies' are
most closely compatible with the person who is going to wear it!

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