The bare arsed facts of Witchcraft:
Reviewing the question of ceremonial nudity is like looking into a cats cradle
of interrelated opinions, contradictions and prejudices. Fact and fantasy,
uses and abuses interweave and overlap. The first justification you were
giving for stripping off may have made good sense at the time; but few of us
who do, or have worked 'skyclad' have not questioned our motives for doing so.
In fact there are many good reasons for nudity within the Craft. Just as
there are many ways of abusing the situation. Later on in this essay I will
deal in depth with what I consider as the major issue in the question of
nudity, that of the difference between Witch and Magician. But before we
plumb the depths, let us look at the nipples, sorry Freudian slip, let us look
at the ripples.
1. Witches traditionally work nude - Nonsense. Nudity formed little part of
the Witch tradition until very recently. Unless of course you accept
the middle aged, Christian body horror that was imposed upon the
unchristian populous through the efforts of assorted artists.
2. It is usually easier to seduce thy neighbour if you have got them out of
their clothing first - True. But not necessarily so, nor necessary.
3. You can feel the Earth power better without your clothes on - Marginally
True. You can also feel the splinters, gnats, stinging nettles, thistles
and cow pats much better. The Earth current is powerful. If you feel that
cloths prevent it then this is more a matter of your perception or
receptivity. Feeling all of natures stimuli on your naked body can be a
beautiful form of communion. Try it, Say at the Cove of Avebury at
around three on an bank holiday afternoon. Be practical.
4. Wiccan Priests like looking at naked maidens - True. But it soon looses
its sense of novelty in the sexual sense. All women are manifestations
of the Goddess, all bodies are beautiful. Again it comes back to a
question of perception. Remember that this reasoning can be applied just
as well to the Priestess.
5. Overcoming body consciousness can be used as a trial, a test to see
whether you have the determination to progress - True. But so can many
other circumstances. To a naturist stripping off would not be much of a
6. Nudity prevents showing off with expensive robes, that is it acts as a
social equaliser - True. But this is more a matter of discipline. The
same effect can be achieved by the use of standardised robes which
reflect the nature of the group and its financial abilities.
7. Communional nudity creates a distinctly out of the ordinary ambience -
True. However most people adapt to it quickly and it soon loses its
novelty. But it does remain different, otherworldly.
Let me digress for a moment to note peoples reactions into coming into a
skyclad group. This depends on two things, the nature of the person and the
nature of the group. To deal with the later first I will recognize four
artificial and by no means mutually exclusive types of group. Those who
consider physical sex Taboo, those who use physical sex as an essential
component in their workings, those who use the Craft as an opportunity for a
bit of communal bonking. And lastly those that use the Craft simply for an
excuse for licentious behaviour. Each has its merits and uses.
The anti-sexuals are the respectable fronts. But if they sincerely believe
and practice what they say, then perhaps they have lost touch with the fact
that the Craft is a fertility religion, a celebration of sexuality. To deny
sexuality a physical outlet is going to create tensions that will have to be
dealt with elsewhere.
The second grouping the ceremonial sexualists, if sincere have my sympathies
they will be dealing with energies that other groups only talk about. This
type of group must be discrete and above all disciplined.
The opportunists groups can be the most attractive to newcomers. A touch of
the forbidden within a joyous religious framework. If managed skilfully this
type of group can be wonderful, Until you catch aids or your partner walks out
on you. Play with fire and you will be lucky if only your fingers get burnt.
The last of my four categories are the news of the world groups. These are a
real pain, they bring the Craft into disrepute. However think of the damage
that could be done to more serious groups by individuals wanting only this
type of thing could do if there were no places to put them. Do not totally
despise these groups, even they in their way serve a function.
Now people. By enlarge women stand up better with communal nudity than men
do, whilst retaining self consciousness women tend to assess self worth less
on physical proportions women adapt to nudity quicker and with far less fuss
than men.
Men are either ashamed of their self assessed inadequacy, or even worse, know
that they are Gods gift to women. Few simply except and are happy with the
way they are. A neutral response to wicked Willie first public appearance is
what most people get. The presumed inadequacy does not get laughed at and
Gods gift does not get worshipped you are accepted for what you are, how it
goes on from there will depend on what type of group you find yourself in.
How you will fell will depend on you. If you equate nudity only with sex then
your first encounter with lots of nudity without lots of sex will result in
lots of short lived frustrations. If you produce the standard male response
nobody will be surprised or particularly bothered, seen it all before. If the
male does not respond it will not be taken as an insult or as a token of
inadequacy. As the novice will soon find out even the most macho of males
cannot keep it up forever.
For women the most usual problem is embarrassment due to periods. This is
usually overcome by tucking the tail in. But like the male erection this is
not a matter for shame and can be dealt with as she wishes.
I have digressed far enough we have looked at seven reasons for nudity let us
consider one more.
8. Honesty - It is harder to pretend to be what you are not if everybody can
see what you are, at least on the physical level. This brings us to
consider the difference between a Witch and a Magician.
A Magician puts on a robe to limit himself to that which he desires to become.
A Witch takes of her clothing to deny her limitations, to become all that she
is. A Magician robes, masks, stands and becomes his God. A Witch strips away
the illusions that she is not her Goddess. One remembers to remember the
other forgets to forget.
Here is hidden the heart of the Witchcraft. The recognition that divinity is
inherent in its totality in each and every one of us. As we have all been
told so many times 'If that which you seek you find not within you, thou shalt
never find it without you, for behold I have been with you from the beginning.
Look again at the difference between the Magician and the Witch. The Magician
externalises and becomes, the Witch internalises and becomes. Remember the
magical maxim, that which is above is as that which is below, and that which
is below is unto that which is above. Or more simply that which is below is
that which is above, there is not difference. From one starting point, with
one intent their flows two paths, externalisation or internalisation. Equally
valid, equally useful and both with the same endpoint, divinity. Or at least
the best representation thereof that are illusionary human limitations permit,
but that another story. The difference between a Magician and a Witch is only
one of technique and goose pimples.
![]() Ravinessa23 Community Member ![]() |