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View User's Journal

My Random posting
I like to read and write and will probably be posting up stories here
Well, today was the end of another boring day and tomarrow I get my pay check and have to work like a slave putting up with anoying little children who run up and down the place with lack of consideration for others.......

*breaks out into random singing*
Good Morning sunshin
the world says "HELLO!!"
you twinkel above us...
we twinkel below
La la la laaaaalaaaa.......

Well as I was saying.....I get out of school next week for vacation, my parents will probably expect me to do chores around the house while working and being home for less the 5 hours a day. Yup. Super.....

I guess that's enough ranting for today.....

I'll see you next time in tomarrows exciting eisode of.......oh wait, this isn't a soap

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