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Lifeless Angel's Journal Of Happiness And Sadness
My journal that anyone can read....and it would be nice if someone gave me a comment^^
Ish back from da wedding
I'm back ...even though the wedding was long and ish kinda pooped xp

The wedding was fun and also funny. The bride changed into 5 different outfits, a white wedding dress, two vietnamese style dresses, and two normal gowns..... whee it was more silly than boring... 3nodding because they had to kiss so many times jus for pictures.... rofl
xd That was just a part of it.....after everyone ate....the bride and groom had to play a game....they had to blindfold themselves and touch different legs and guess which one was the bride/groom 3nodding rolleyes rofl
I have more to tell but I guess that was my most remembered thing of the wedding 3nodding xd rofl

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 14, 2005 @ 10:13pm
I was there for my parent's wedding. They had me and my brother but were never married. Well, their reception was odd. They had people pin money on them and then they get to dance with them. It was someone's idea idk. But my uncle sergio danced with my mom and then he pinned money on my dad and he picked him up and they were dancing. They looked so...odd! lol It was funny though, everyone laughed

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