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Lifeless Angel's Journal Of Happiness And Sadness
My journal that anyone can read....and it would be nice if someone gave me a comment^^
Ish sad, pissed, a crybaby and a tad EMO
I LOVE the anime Detective Conan ("Case Closed" in the english dub gonk )
but I can only watch up to episode 103! that's only a QUARTER of the episodes out there. Because of the rights of the company or something like that, youtube had to remove all the videos related to the anime. Some were sneeky enought to pass through but those episodes are in german or I'm not on that episode yet.

YTV the cartoon channel for canada stopped airing it last friday because of the following reasons:

1. they had to show some Canadain shows before 12 so they moved it back to 12:30...that would be 2:30 my time!....that was in june but NOW

2.Probably because of the low ratings too. They only aired 21 episodes!


SO I'm really upset. I have to buy the dvds. My parents won't let me buy them. I can't get a job for 3 years and I don't have an allowance. So yeah...I'm pretty stumped about it. >.> I still have 349 episodes to go.

Don't you just hate leaving your favorite movies or shows like that?
I just kills meh.... gonk

Me and my anime obsession gonk wahmbulance emo

The series is already 10 years long and still going. I better buy then soon or the first seasons will be sold out and I have to buy them at really expensive prices!!


I even cried, yes CRIED! crying gonk . If I could cry anime style I WOULD!

I have no idea if that made sense or not but I'm too stumped to care T___T


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