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Lifeless Angel's Journal Of Happiness And Sadness
My journal that anyone can read....and it would be nice if someone gave me a comment^^
Christmas prezzies
heart I want to thank all of my friends who gave me gifts, small or big I will cherish them all heart
Here are the people who gave me a gift sad in order of date given)

~Milkshake_Bitch~: eek eek heart heart an ornament with a picture on my avatar for my signature , A deluxe bouquet of black and blue and a Gardenia vintage town coat!
*luffles it* one of the best edits I have heart heart heart The bouquet matches my gown and the coat matches with my anklets and slippers! Thank you!

Idoevil: sealed letter heart xd Now I don't have to buy one!

Josett: an egg spinning with my avatar xd heart heart 3nodding I like the idea

OverlordShadow: A coupon for free art, banners and more xd heart I'll use it wisely!

Mysti006: Winged anklets eek eek eek eek heart Thank you very much! I was questing for those!

Aika_kiddy: Winter Wind snow sweater heart xd heart It matchs most of my clothing!

SolunaAngel: Goldbracelet xd Thanks

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