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View User's Journal

I like heads...choppy off heads...oh HEADING! I knew that...
Sweetened venom courses through veins
twisting, turning caught in chains
of love, hate and all the rest
ask the dead they know best
Don't break the habit of breaking me
So I can show these scars for all to see
Let us change this us to we
Your intoxicating me

addicted to your poison and caught in deadly trance
one two three one two three
a hypnotic anarchy dance
one two three one two three
Don't stop, slow down keep in beat
beating your deadliness through me

Addicted to your suicidal tendencies
your venom is all my dependency
Stop through dancing and chains still move
Your hurting enough with nothing to prove
Don't break the habit of breaking me
So I can show these scars for all to see
Let us change this us to we
and keep spreading your poison through me

addicted to your poison and caught in deadly trance
one two three one two three
a hypnotic anarchy dance
one two three one two three
Don't stop, slow down keep in beat
beating your deadliness through me

Don't stop, slow down keep in beat

Don't stop


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