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I like heads...choppy off heads...oh HEADING! I knew that...
How I feel: just like the others
I want to share my memories...because memories make you whole, make you a person. You may not understand them all and god forbid I understood why they are mine, but they're mine none the less.

Dizzy running across a busy road when she was three, she almost...almost got hit.
Andrew telling me We'd have to do it again because twins ' can't be born at the same time you have to do what mummy and daddy does twice to get them, they just look the same because your body can't be bothered to make um different'
Holly running after a guy with weird orange fluffy hair and strokeing it actually strokeing this random mans HAIR because she thought it looked cool
A message on msn saying 'maybe after the weekend we can get back together' Damn you to the bloody wrath of the sevens hells of techiban
Alisha cook saying I should get over dylan because he loved her and not me
me replying that everywhere she touched I'd done it, and I'd done it first and he would remeber that because I was his first can't imagen why she never liked me after that...*ponders*
haveing blood trickling down my arm, it felt strange not soft or liquidy like it's MENT too but somewhat thicker but less than water...
Seeing my best friend chris with a nose bleed, It came out like bloody toothpaste!
Leaning over the stairs to grab ,y dad before he left for work, him turnign to sneer at me and actually pull me down onto the stairs, I cried and mum woke up by which time he was hugging me. It was after he went to Iraq for the first time. I may have been small but I noticed the change...
Falling in love with a teacher (worst bloody mistake of my life)
falling in love with someone older than me (ditto the baddy of my lifey bit)
How much I DIDN'T cry when dad left. He was just gone...
Tina with her arms, legs and face covered in scars, all different sizes and shapes but all oh so scary.
Swearing I'd never do that
Smokeing for the first time because hey it was so cool NOT!
Trying to quit because hey It wasn't cool lemme out of this D:
Writeing the first chapter of morbid predictions...and the second...and the third...and the fourth until I got stuck with writers block but my story WILL finesh#
Realaising I have a fetish for tophats...odd I remeber that one clear

wow p.s new memory...almost getting runover and eating pocky ^^

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