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I like heads...choppy off heads...oh HEADING! I knew that...
By no public demand
And I am just so sick of it can't someone just be without doing it fricking wrong anymore?
surprised because g wahmbulance d forbid if we get it wrong people
what would they think

You have to wait with your a wahmbulance s in the air for someone to screw you up eh?
*hush* Because it just aint right to say your unhappy is it there kiddo *hush*

well f wahmbulance ck you
I aint changing just because YOU think I have to...go screw someones elses a wahmbulance s thats in the air, mines here because it looks bloody good in these black *gasp* trousers and you aint changing that

Now you go cry and be emo emo emo 'bout that in your corner. My corner has fairylights and lucozade and even better I can smile before I screw someone up

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