*funeral march plays* today will forever live in infamy...
yes girls and boys, today was the day democracy died. you see, it all started with a funny sounding man from texas...at least, that's what i think will be in history books of the future. sorry, mon amies, but i am a democrat. why do i apologize? because the majority of texas is republican, and they all act like it's some kind of felony to be otherwise inclined. you say one minor detail against bushy-brows, and they go off on you!! it's ridiculous. i know i'm a hypocrite for going and bad-mouthing them after they bad-mouth me, but come on people!! freedom of speech!! it's in the bill of rights! course, a lot of things are in there that get disregarded. yet we bicker over what a 2,000+ year old book tells us! who the heck cares if the bible (no, i will not capitalize it. it's not that important to me anyway) tells us gay marriage is wrong? it also says that women aren't capable of individual thought and are little better than slaves! it allows slavery, for that matter. so why argue about something as simple as gay marriage? it's freedom of choice, i say. they should be able to have the same rights as any other couple in love. the only difference is who they're in love with, not the love itself. if that's so wrong, look at those men who cheat on their wives or harass 5 year old girls! and they're 'the right way' about love! or better, how about priests? they are supposed to be god's messengers on earth and live after his example...so did god mess with little boys? if you look closely, god had to have been human, cuz where else did jesus come from? immaculate conception is...beyond belief, i think. i am sick and tired of all those blind people out there who will not even attempt to see the other side. and sure, it sounds like i'm one of them as well, but i have looked at the other sides of these arguements logically. seriously. i would show you, but my fingers are about to type themselves off my hand and onto the floor. see you later, kiddos. i think i'll go bury my head in the sand...or better yet, move to canada. japan's idea of women's rights doesn't agree with me yet...
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