adolescence stinks. (song of insecurities)
literally. most teenage guys before 15 still have not figured out what deoderant is. then with girls, we get all emotional and catty. it doesn't help any when teachers give half a textbook a night for homework, so i have to balance school, dance (which takes the evening/night of every weekday, plus saturday), and my boyfriend. lately, none of them have been winning. in dance i forget what i'm doing halfway through a combination, at school my grades are worse than ever, and my poor boyfriend is just a taxi, taking me places when needed. i got mad at him for no reason, and now he probably thinks i'm psycho. my dance teacher probably thinks i'm a slacker who doesn't care enough because i miss class to finish work, and my school teachers must wonder how i got in the classes i'm in. i'm always braindead from too little sleep. ah, isn't life grand? doesn't it just make you want to laugh and sing in joy and happiness? i never use sarcasm at all. especially when i'm in a bad mood. oh no...i'm an innocent little bunny wabbit...
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