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Riven Claim
howling, baying, haunting
Moonlight made it's way
a defective path leading
My own soul following astray

fast footsteps drumming the beat
cooing the breezes singing death
howling, waiting for my defeat
To cut away my last breath

riven, riven I became
from this sick midnight game

fleeing, escaping, running
leading on, leading on
shadows behind me, taunting
mixed within the forest song

Such a vicious choice
God give me hope, begin
Yes I hear the deafening voice
I promise to un-do my sin

riven, riven I became
as the shadows grew to deafen the scream

falling, praying, sofocating
stubeling upon but one chance
a single riven bed thawing
snowing on my last dance

My heart sank as the wolves drew near
jumping foward, they grin in laughter
a glimmer of fear
evaded the wolves slaughter

riven, riven I became
as the icy water held my blame

thrashing, sinking, freezing
my body had given in
to the soft waves, soothing
let me rest, let me begin

How cruel the world found
this new deathening angel, amen
I was bound
not to return again

riven riven I became
as the dark angel came to claim...

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