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please, come and sit
can not you see that my heart is split?

half to be hung for the crow
half for the villagers to throw

or maybe the death to be won
shall I hand it to you to own?

can I trust those hands?
smoothered in blood and bands

you where my one light
but I see that you did so to fight

you know I would stand by you
no matter what you do

how can you not see that way
you've lead me astray

left for the wolves teeth
seas of fear, benith

where do I go?
where are you?

Nay, I shan't give you thee
I can't trust you with me

not after my death
for I know you have left me to rest

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 02:41am

wow thats deep =/ i understood what you are saying in my head but i cant put it out into words >.<and in a way i feel this is ... said torwards me =/ i dont truly kno though ..... its a very deep poem

Community Member

Mon Mar 17, 2008 @ 03:43am

you where my one light
but I see that you did so to fight

you know I would stand by you
no matter what you do

User Comments: [2]
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