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I like heads...choppy off heads...oh HEADING! I knew that...
How I feel: dreamy
My whole world stopped spinning

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do you remeber that time you had a dream and you swear you would do ANYTHING for it to be real?
I had one of them
It was a pretty big party or something, and there was this uglli guy...real real tall with blackish/orangeish hair, lots of spots and thick rimmed glasses covered in grease. His clotheres tattered and ruined they hung off him and he had this way of makeing everyone turn away from him, to be polite I guess. and someone told me it was you and I couldn't believe it because well...I just couldn't
so I climbed
real high
to see you but no I was pulled down by this imposter
and he kissed me
It was horrible and it felt so...real. his lips rough and his breath sweet but overpowering. I pulled away feeling really sad and I cried for ages. Until all the balloons had been popped and the people gone. When you stood there. I knew it was you it just clicked. I cried somemore as you hugged me to your chest. are lips real close and you were just about to say
"I love...
ACK FCKING SISTERS! or was it steve, I can't remeber and oh I wish I could have that dream again

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I cried to the
To bring you back to me

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