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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
well today was well abnormal.... i had to finish my cc project (career chose) worked on it all weekend never got the chance to work on my other projects. Still working on it even thu its due today... oh well i lose 10% dont care. I went to the libary to try and finish it.. The ******** computer wasnt doing wat i wanted to do. I got kicked out for yelling at the pc.... lol. Then there was art lol that was funny my one friend was high and came to skool. When she kept getting up to get her things from the teacher she kept tripping over her chair when she came to sit back down... i was laughin my head off... my voice was also ******** up cuz i think i lost it dont kno how. Anyway... then there's bio... god bio that was funny. Myself and a friend sit all the way in the back. THen theres a single desk be hind us. A dude i dotn kno his name was sitting there. And Were suppose to do work and well... like always were not. So were whispering to one another. THen the dudes like SHHHH!!! and s**t. So where telling him to shut up and leave us alone. Then this retarded beside him starts like doing this breathing sound well if u breath on a window to shine it or sumthing like that every time the other guy went shhh!!! So sam (my friend beside me) starts laughin, so then i laugh cuz she has a retarded laugh (yeah i kno im not a nice friend to say that) But also laughin at the two guys... But where trying to stay quite also.... hard like hell... so the teachers like could u stop laughin so we stop... then the girl in front of us turns around and asks us. Wat were laughin at. When i clear my throat the dude goes shhh!!! and the retard breaths his ******** up way. SO then sam and i start laughin no stop, i started seeing dots from lack of oxygen. The girl in front is laughin (quietly) because of Sam. Soon then were takeing deep breaths once and a while. So ppl start turning aroun looking at us. It was funny. We were piss laughing. And crying to. ******** my stomach hurt from laughin to hard.... i swear i was gonna pass out if i didnt stop. ******** retarded ppl have to be funny.

Oh and on the bus this a first, Bruno and kevin THE TWO PPL THAT I DEFENTLY CANDEM TO ROIT IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNATY!!!! **Flatnings shirt** ahem... like i was saying before my inner demon came out. They actully left me alone... minus like 4 words. I had peace today YEAH!!!


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